Office of the Premier
Covid19 Information Hub
E-learning solution for citizens who are no longer in school
Gauteng Geagraphic Information Portal
An application that allows all data of Military Veterans to accessed and monitored to ensure that services are delivered and matched to the correct individuals.
Access your voter registration details, online services and engage with the Electoral Commission securely and conveniently
PMO Enablement for the GPG Provincial Disaster Management Command Centre
All individuals are encouraged to report corrupt activities.
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You can subscribe to receive warnings published by the Office of the Premier.
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The aim of implementing the ethics hotline is to detect wrongdoing early and deter future potential wrongdoers from embarking on unethical behaviour.
Youth, between the ages of 18-34 who are unemployed or with at least Grade 10, or first time work seekers with no more than 12 months' work experience can apply for opportunities through Tshepo 1Million.
e-Learning application