Department of Community Safety

Apply for a Protection Order

A protection order aims at preventing the re-occurrence of domestic violence or sexual harassment by stating what conduct the alleged offender must refrain from doing.

Apply for Government Jobs Online

Individuals can apply for government jobs online using the e-Recruitment system.

Check AARTO fines, notices and infringements

Client enquires about AARTO Notices issued, where to pay and how to complete and submit representations

Client/Customer Service Survey Questionnaire

Send us your feedback on services received from the Department of Community Safety.

Dealing with domestic violence

Report all forms of abuse and assistance. Get safety tips and information on how to get out of an abusive relationship.

IMPACc (Police Reporting system)

Allows members of the public to lodge complaints against the South African Police Service within Gauteng. Once received, the complaints are investigated by the Provincial Secretariat (Complaints Division) with Community Safety.

Join the fight against crime

Become a community activist and join in the fight against crime by joining a community safety structures in your area such as the Community Policing Forum, Neighbourhood Watch, Men As Safety Promoters, Women as Safety Promoters, the Youth Desk.

Overload control

Weighing of overloaded freight and passenger vehicles for compliance with National Road Traffic Regulations.

Remove administration mark on discontinued vehicles

This service is available to vehicle owners who have had their cars discontinued through a process where a notice is issued in terms of the Road Traffic Act, 1989 (​Act No. 29 of 1989)​ for vehicles that do not comply with necessary roadworthy specifications.

Report a crime

Citizens can call to report a crime through the call centre and may choose to remain anonymous.

Report illegal sale of drugs

This service is available 24 hours a day to any person who wants to report the illegal sale of drugs by providing information that may assist the police in the prevention and/or investigation of those activities.

Report lack of feedback from the police

Report lack of feedback on a case that has been opened at any police station in Gauteng.

Report police abuse of power

Lodge a complaint against law enforcement agencies who abuse power or harrass and assault innocent citizens.

Report Service Complaints Against the Police

The service allows citizens to report any wrong doing by law enforcement agencies i.e. South African Police Services and various metro police departments in Gauteng. Citizens can report these agencies for not discharging services as they should.

Report sexual abuse

Report any sexual related offenses. The alleged sexual offense may be reported by: the victim of the offence; a family member, friend or colleague of the victim or a person who witnesses or received information about the commission of the offence.

Subscribe to Department of Community Safety Announcements

You can subscribe to receive announcements by the Department of Community Safety.

Subscribe to Department of Community Safety News

You can subscribe to receive news by the Department of Community Safety.

Subscribe to Department of Community Safety Warnings

You can subscribe to receive warnings published by the Department of Community Safety.

Testing of driving school instructors

Instructors of driving schools are tested ​by a qualified Provincial Traffic Officer in order to confirm compliance of the required regulations for a driving school instructor.​

testing to be deleted

PDMCC is responsible for the operational management of all activities related to the Gauteng Provincial Government’s (GPG) response to the virus

Victim Empowerment Services

Assistance for victims of domestic and gender based violence through the One Stop Centre that includes medico-legal services and accommodation.