Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

Access to the GDARDE Environmental Information

This service links to the spatial environmental data and other related environmental documents important for use in making environmental decisions.

Appeal an Environmental Decision

This service allows an aggrieved party to contest an environmental decision of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Apply for a CITES Dealers Book

This service is aimed at an individual, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities who want to apply for CITES Dealers Book.

Apply for a Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) permit

Individual, businesses and municipalities who wants to apply for a Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

Apply for a TOPS Standing Permit

This service is aimed at individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities who wants to apply for a standing permit.

Apply for AgriBEE Fund

This service is aimed at assisting farmers and farmworkers to access enterprise development and equity acquisition.

Apply for Agro-processing services

Apply for Agro-processing services. These services are aimed at supporting smallholder farmers as well as township enterprises who are either operating in the agro-processing space or on a small scale or would like to add value to their produce.

Apply for an ordinary permit - TOPS: Conveying/moving/translocation

Apply for an ordinary permit, in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 2004, Act 10 of 2004 - Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2007.

Apply for an ordinary permit - TOPS: Gathering/plucking/collecting

Apply for an ordinary permit, in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 2004, Act 10 of 2004 - Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2007.

Apply for an ordinary permit - TOPS: Growing/breeding/propagating

Apply for an ordinary permit, in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 2004, Act 10 of 2004 - Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2007.

Apply for an ordinary permit - TOPS: Hunting/catching/killing

Apply for an ordinary permit, in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 2004, Act 10 of 2004 - Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2007.

Apply for an ordinary permit - TOPS: Possession

Apply for an ordinary permit, in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004) - Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2007.

Apply for an ordinary permit - TOPS: Selling/buying/receiving/giving/donating

Apply for an ordinary permit, in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act No. 2004, Act 10 of 2004 - Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2007.

Apply for approval of facilities to export products

Facilities that manufacture animals, foods and products used in the food chain, taxidermy, tanneries, pet food establishments and cold stores need to have their facilities export approved before commencing with any exports.

Apply for compulsory registration of captive breeding operation

This service is aimed at individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities who wants to apply for compulsory registration of captive breeding operation.

Apply for environmental authorisation

Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP) can apply for environmental authorisation on the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) online submission system.

Apply for exemption to hunt

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for an exemption to hunt permit.

Apply for Government Jobs Online

Individuals can apply for government jobs online using the e-Recruitment system.

Apply for Performing Animal license

Application and renewal of licences under the Performing Animals Protection Amendment Act, 2016 (Act No.4 of 2016), exhibit and train performing animals or use of animals for safeguarding .

Apply for sealing consignments for export from veterinary services

Some importing countries require that consigments are sealed under official veterinary supervision of the exporting country.

Apply for the export of game trophies

The export of for instance skins, bones, horns, teeth, tusks, capes and hooves of game animals have certain requirements.

Apply for waste management licence

Individuals or companies can request for a license to recycle, treat or dispose general waste. General waste includes paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, glass, etc. This excludes hazardous and medical waste.

Apply to act as a Hunting Outfitter

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to act as a Hunting Outfitter.

Apply to act as a landowner

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to act as landowner.

Apply to act as a professional hunter

individual, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities who want to be professional hunters

Apply to amend waste management license

License holders can apply to amend their Waste Management license to recycle, treat or dispose general waste. General waste includes paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, glass, etc. This excludes hazardous and medical waste.

Apply to bale general waste

This service is aimed at registering general waste facilities.

Apply to be a registered CITES nursery

This service is aimed at an individuals or businesses who want to be a registered CITES nursery

Apply to build an abattoir in Gauteng

A person who wants to build an abattoir in Gauteng must apply at the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development before commencing any building operations.

Apply to catch fish

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to catch fish.

Apply to catch wild animal/s

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to catch a live wild animal.

Apply to chip general waste

This service is aimed at registering General waste facilities

Apply to collect and transport plants

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to collect and transport plants.

Apply to donate plants

Individuals, businesses and municipalities can apply for a permit to donate plants.

Apply to establish a bird sanctuary

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to establish a bird sanctuary.

Apply to establish a game park

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a game park permit.

Apply to establish a reptile park

Individuals, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to establish a reptile park.

Apply to establish a zoo

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a zoo permit

Apply to export dead game or game products

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to export dead game or game products

Apply to export for research permit

This service is aimed at individuals, businesses or institutions that want to apply to export for research other than Bioprosoecting.

Apply to export genetic material

All exports of animal genetic material for example ova, embryos and semen of animals require pre-approval by the Registrar, Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act 62 of 1998).

Apply to export live animals

All persons or companies who import, export, trade in, keep, possess, collect, pick, convey, transport or hunt listed wild animals and wild plants in Gauteng must apply for permits with the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Apply to export or remove live animals

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to export or remove live wild animals from Gauteng

Apply to export plants

Individuals, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to export plants.

Apply to grind general waste

This service is aimed at registering General waste facilities

Apply to hold an angling competition

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to hold an angling competition.

Apply to hunt birds during closed season

To hunt live animals such as birds, reptiles and mammals, in accordance with Gauteng Nature Conservation Ordinance 12 of 1983, Section 16, 16A, 17, 18 and 49, Regulation 18.

Apply to hunt game with a prohibited weapon

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to hunt game with a prohibited weapon.

Apply to hunt ordinary game

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to hunt ordinary game.

Apply to hunt wild animals for scientific purpose

Individuals, univeristies, SANBI, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to hunt animals for scientific purposes.

Apply to import dead game or game products

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to import dead game or game products.

Apply to import live animals

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to import live animals into Gauteng.

Apply to import plants

Individuals, univerities, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to import plants.

Apply to keep plants

Individuals, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to keep plants

Apply to keep wild live animals in captivity

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to keep live wild animals in captivity.

Apply to place or release fish into waters

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to place and release of fish.

Apply to possess raw elephant tusks

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to possess raw elephant tusks.

Apply to possess rhino horns

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to posses rhino horns.

Apply to register a game farm :TOPS

All persons or companies who import, export, trade in, keep, possess, collect, pick, convey, transport or hunt listed wild animals and wild plants in Gauteng must apply for permits with the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, (Directorate: Biodiversity Management/Nature Conservation).

Apply to remove bats from the caves

This service is aimed at an individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities who wants to remove bats from the caves.

Apply to remove from the caves

All persons or companies who import, export, trade in, keep, possess, collect, pick, convey, transport or hunt listed wild animals and wild plants in Gauteng must apply for permits with the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

Apply to renew Waste Management Licence

License holders can apply to amend their Waste Management license to recycle, treat or dispose general waste. General waste includes paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, glass, etc. This excludes hazardous and medical waste.

Apply to Renew Waste Management Licence

Renewal of Waste management licences are issued by the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Pollution and Waste Management) in terms of the National Environmental Management Waste Act(Act No.59 of 2008).

Apply to Ring Birds

This service is aimed at an individual or club who wants to ring birds.

Apply to sell game biltong

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to sell game biltong.

Apply to sell game meat

To sell game meat, in accordance with Gauteng Nature Conservation Ordinance 12 of 1983, Section 33.

Apply to sell ivory or rhino horn

Individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to sell ivory or rhino horns.

Apply to sell live fish

Individuals, businesses and municipalities can apply for a permit to sell fish.

Apply to sell live wild animals

Individuals, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities can apply for a permit to sell live wild animals.

Apply to sell plants

Individuals, businesses and municipalities can apply for a permit to sell plants.

Apply to sort general waste

This service is aimed at registering General waste storage facilities

Apply to store general waste

This service is aimed at registering General waste storage facilities

Apply to transport and display wild animal/s in Gauteng

This service is aimed at individuals, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities who wants to transport a live wild animal.

Apply to transport medical waste

This service is aimed at authorisation for transportation of medical waste

Apply to treat medical waste

This service is aimed at authorisation for the treatment of medical waste

Apply to write a Hunting Outfitter exam

This service is aimed at an individual, clubs, businesses, nature reserves and municipalities who wants to write a Hunting Outfitters Exam.

Apply to write a Professional Hunter exam

Apply to write a professional hunters exam, in accordance with Gauteng Nature Conservation Ordinance 12 of 1983, Section 47

Cannabis Industrialization

Cannabis Industrialization

Conservation Permit System

Citizens apply for a permit to enable them to transport or sell animal/meat products.

Find Information on the rehabilitation of illegal dumps

This service is aimed at eradicating/ eliminating illegal dumps

Gauteng Integrated Decision Support

System that offers users with reliable and secure spatial data providing a different perspective to conservation plans regarding reserved, protected, high potential agricultural land to assist the department in decision making.

Gauteng Waste Management Information

GWIS provides the public, business, industry and government with access to information on the management of waste within the Gauteng Province.


gdard vets application

Information on COVID-19 (a disease in humans) and animals

Information on COVID-19 (a disease in humans) and animals

Information on Gauteng Veterinary Services

Veterinary services offers diverse roles ranging from regulatory animal disease control, export facilitation, veterinary public health and primary animal health

Information on the movement and control of African Swine Fever

In order to prevent the possible spread of African Swine Fever out of the control area, there are strict requirements for the movement of meat and carcasses which hunters must conform to.

Register development under the Gauteng Environmental Management Framework Standard

Apply for Gauteng Provincial Environmental Mangment Framework (GPEMF) Standard Registration for a development in zone 1 or 5

Register on the EIA Online Submission

Registration on the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Online Submission system as a Practitioner or as a Company (doing Environmental Impact Assessments)

Register waste recycling business

Groups of individuals who want to start recycling business can request to be assisted with registration with DTI

Rehabilitation of Illegal dump site

Illegal dump means a discarded waste in an improper or illegal manner, where it does not belong and/ or where environmental damage is likely

Report an environmental transgression

Residents of Gauteng can report illegal environmental activities related to waste, air quality, land use and industrial development. These offences are transgressions in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA).

Request Agriculture related feasibility study and business support

This service is aimed at supporting emerging enterpreners on feasibility study business plan compilation to access finance, markets and compliance with the regulatory measures of Agricultural Products.

Request business support for recycling

Waste recycling facilities/ companies, waste recycling/ management cooperatives and buy-back centres can request business support for recycling.

Request for information of cattle farming in Gauteng

Gauteng has limited area for grazing cattle due to other agricultural activities, industry and urban sprawl to mention a few factors.

Request for information on compulsory animal vaccinations

Under The Animal Disease Act, Act 35 of 1984, vaccination of dogs, cats, livestock and equines (Horses, donkeys, mules) against certain diseases is compulsory. A owner is required to vaccinate his/her animals as prescribed in the Act.

Request for information on farm biosecurity

Biosecurity is the practice of good farming principles to prevent entering of a disease onto a farm as well as spread to other premises. They should form part of any farmer's Good Farming Practice.

Request for information on feedlotting of livestock in Gauteng

Finishing of livestock for market forms the major source of beef consumed in Gauteng.

Request for information on importing an animal

Request for information on reporting of government controlled veterinary diseases in animals

It is a requirment under the Animal Diseases Act, Act 35 of 1984, of every farmer, land owner and/or animal owner to report suspected or actual controlled veterinary diseases to their local State veterinarian

Request for information on the breeding and selection of grass-fed beef cattle

Rangeland in Gauteng has certain advantages and restrictions for cattle farming so selection and breeding is critical.

Request for information on the keeping and movement of Cape Buffalo into, within or out of Gauteng.

Due to the possibility of buffalo being carriers of diseases like Foot and mouth disease, their movement and keeping is regulated by veterinary services.

Request for information on the legal requirement for permanent animal identification.

In order to be able to prove ownership, all domestic livestock are required to be identifiable under a registered mark of the owner.

Request for information on the selling and buying of livestock at a public auction

Livestock auctions are commonly used for trade in live animals, but hold certain disease risks for the farmer.

Request for Information: Partnership for Cannabis Industrialization

Request for Information: Partnership for Cannabis Industrialization

Request for informtion on slaughtering of animals

The abattoir industry in South Africa is highly regulated due to the human health risk which may be posed by diseases or contaminated meat landing up in the supply chain.

Request for support to a backyard food garden

Provision of agricultural support to mitigate food insecurity at community and household level.

Request for support to a community food project

Provision of agricultural support to mitigate food insecurity at community and household level.

Request for support to a school food garden

Provision of agricultural support in order to supplement the school nutrition feeding programme.

Request for veterinary services annual reports

The Annual Reports of Veterinary Services encapsulate the achievements of the year and provide information as to important disease outbreaks and data on  the various functions of the Branch.. They are available as pdf documents for downloading.

Request information on feeding my pet

The nutrition of your pet is important to ensure adequate growth and well-being of your pet.

Request information on grooming my pet

The correct grooming of your pet ensures it is able to have a care-free life.

Request information on keeping my pet healthy through vaccinations

Vaccinations can protect your pet from many common diseases, keeping them healthy and happy.

Request information on preventing my pet from breeding

Pets can breed rapidly, leaving the owner with the possibility of unwanted animals.

Request information on rabies

Rabies is a very important disease that is fatal in humans if untreated. Knowledge is power.

Request pre-consultation on the EIA Process

An independent consultant (Environmental Assessment Practitioner) can request guidance on the correct process to follow for the Environmental Impact Assessment

Request training for waste recyclers

Waste recycling facilities/ companies, waste recycling/ management cooperatives and buy-back centres can request training recycling business.

Request treatment for a sick animal

Qualifying owners residing in Gauteng can request veterinary treatment of sick or injured animals.

Separate waste

Individuals, households, companies, organisations and institutions can learn how to separate waste to divert waste from landfills to protect the environment.

Standards on Veterinary Services

As a citizen there are certain standards of service that you should receive from Veterinary Services

Submit a Land use query (municipalities)

This service is available to Municipalities when querying the Environmental requirements of a township application

Submit a National Environmental Management Act - listing query (applicant)

This service is available to the public, but mainly environmental Assessment Practitioners and developers who wish to determine if their proposed development requires an Environmental approval processes to be undertaken

Submit Basic Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment reports

Submit Basic Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment reports in line with the National Environmental Management Act Regulations

Subscribe to Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Announcements

You can subscribe to receive announcements by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Subscribe to Department of Agriculture and Rural Development News

You can subscribe to receive news by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Subscribe to Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Warnings

You can subscribe to receive warnings published by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Veterinary Health Certificate System (VHCS)

Citizens apply for a permit to enable them to transport live animals

Waste Information Certificate

All persons generating more than 20kg of hazardous waste, transporters , recycling facilities, treatment facilities, and disposal sites must apply for a waste information certificate.