Speech - Remarks by the Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness Ms Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko during the Healthy Women's Day celebration hosted by Mediwell and Deinfern Square - 16 August 2024 .pdf

Department of Health Department of Health 2024/08/15 - 22:00



16 AUGUST 2024


Greetings to the CEO of Mediwell, Dr Maggie Mojapelo-Mokotedi,

CEO of Honeycomb, Ms Bernice Theunessen,

CEO of Amari Health, Ms Onkgopotse Khumalo,

Dischem Executives,

Eyecare Executives,

Officials present,  

Ladies and gentlemen.


It is a true privilege to be here with you today as we celebrate Healthy Women's Day, a moment dedicated to acknowledging the immense strength, resilience, and contributions of women across all sectors of our society. I want to extend my sincere appreciation to Mediwell and the Dental Centre for organizing this significant event and for allowing me the honor of sharing this day with you.

The importance of today's gathering cannot be overstated. Our healthcare system is at its most effective when we collaborate, and today exemplifies the profound impact that collective efforts can have. When we unite around a shared vision, the health and well-being of our communities our combined efforts lead to remarkable outcomes. This spirit of collaboration has been especially evident during public health challenges, where working together has enabled us to navigate crises successfully.

This year's Women's Month theme, "Celebrating 30 Years of Democracy Towards Women's Development," is particularly meaningful. Over the past three decades, women have been pivotal in shaping and advancing our democracy, especially within the healthcare sector. Women are the foundation of our health system, serving in essential roles as nurses, midwives, social workers, physiotherapists, and in many other capacities that ensure our healthcare services operate effectively.

The continued advancement of South Africa's health sector is largely due to the empathy, compassion, and solid commitment that women bring to their work every day.

In yesterday's State of the Province Address, the Premier emphasized the urgent need to accelerate service delivery across Gauteng. This is a call to action that resonates deeply as we gather today. It is a reminder that as we strive to improve the health and well-being of our communities, we must also ensure that our efforts are swift, effective, and reach every corner of our province.

As we celebrate this year's theme, we also honour the legacy of the women of 1956, those who boldly stood up against injustice and paved the way for future generations. Here in Gauteng, we will be celebrating another generation that followed in their footsteps, including the distinguished contributions of Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and Dr. Naledi Pandor. These women have made significant impacts in their respective fields, continuing the work of those who came before them and inspiring the next generation to do the same.

Empowering women within the healthcare sector is not just a matter of recognition; it is essential for the ongoing progress and success of our nation's health outcomes. We must continue to encourage more young women, particularly those still in school, to pursue careers in health. The future of our communities depends on their talents, skills, and dedication. These young women will be the leaders who drive health and wellness in the years to come.

Today's event, offering free health screenings, dental check-ups, and other essential services, is more than just a day of care; it is a step toward realizing the vision of the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme. This initiative aims to make quality healthcare accessible to every South African, regardless of socio-economic background. It represents our commitment to ensuring that no woman, no child, no individual is left behind in receiving the care they need.

To the women here today, I want to emphasize the importance of prioritizing your health. Our public sector women's clinics provide a wide range of free services, including pap smears, breast cancer screenings, and other critical preventive measures. Early detection is one of the most effective tools we have in fighting serious illnesses, and I strongly encourage you to take advantage of these services. Regular self-examinations and professional screenings are not just advisable they are essential. They could save your life, or the life of your sister, your mother, or your daughter.

As we continue our journey toward better health, let us also remember the importance of self-care and mental well-being. Women often carry the weight of multiple responsibilities—caring for families, advancing in their careers, and contributing to their communities. Amidst these demands, it is crucial to prioritize your own health, both physically and mentally. Self-care is not an indulgence; it is a necessity.

As we move forward, let us remain united in our efforts, supporting and uplifting one another, and working towards a healthcare system that truly serves every woman, every family, and every community in Gauteng. The path ahead may have its challenges, but it is also filled with opportunities. Together, we have the power to accomplish extraordinary things. Together, we are unstoppable.

Thank you for your dedication, your passion, and your unwavering commitment to a healthier and more equitable future for all.

Thank you.


Speech - Remarks by the Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness Ms Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko during the Healthy Women's Day celebration hosted by Mediwell and Deinfern Square - 16 August 2024 .pdf

Published 2024/08/15 - 22:00



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