Media Statement - No injuries sustained as a result of the fire incident in a ward at Bertha Gxowa Hospital - 10 May 2024.pdf

Department of Health Department of Health 2024/05/09 - 22:00

​The Gauteng Department of Health confirms the occurrence of an incident this afternoon (around 3pm) at Bertha Gxowa Hospital involving a mental health patient admitted at the male psychiatry ward. 

The patient lit a cigarette and subsequently threw a matchstick onto a blanket in his seclusion room which unfortunately resulted in a smouldering smoke and a small fire. Fortunately, no injuries were sustained as a result of this incident. 

The hospital management and staff have taken immediate actions to safeguard the safety and well-being of patients in the ward. The affected seclusion room has been thoroughly cleaned and assessed by the Environmental Health specialist to ensure compliance with safety standards. The room has since been closed to undergo minor painting work. 

The male patient involved in the incident has been transferred to a seclusion room in another ward for continuation of his treatment. The CCTV footage shows that a female visitor sneaked in cigarette and a matchbox into the patients secluded room. The matter has been reported to the police. 

The Department appeals to the public to refrain from bringing prohibited substances into health facilities as these places both patients and employees at risk. 


Issued by the Gauteng Department of Health 


Media Statement - No injuries sustained as a result of the fire incident in a ward at Bertha Gxowa Hospital - 10 May 2024.pdf

Published 2024/05/09 - 22:00



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