Gauteng to maximise its support for township economies

Office of the Premier 2019/06/30 - 22:00

Gauteng Provincial Government's work on revitalising township economies has gained so much traction that is has been endorsed and adopted by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Speaking at the official opening of the Legislature on Monday morning, Gauteng Premier, David Makhura said that in the past five years the provincial government, had learnt valuable lessons, from supporting township economies.

One such lesson was the potential of township economies to generate jobs and sustain livelihoods with the right amount of support.

This is one of the reasons that the provincial government, has pledged to intensify its support for township economies moving forward.

"We will ensure that all SMMEs and township businesses contracting with the provincial government are paid within 15 days to boost their sustainability, [this is already possible through the e-invoicing platform which expedites payment]," said Makhura.

The provincial government, in partnership with the taxi industry and municipalities, will transform taxi rank facilities into vibrant economic nodes in all townships and CBDs.

"We will also set up joint township economy innovation fund with the private sector. This is in line with the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa of the establishment of the Township Entrepreneurial Fund", added Premier Makhura.

Premier Makhura also challenged all those in attendance at the opening, to rally behind the promulgation of the new Gauteng Township Economy Development Act which will make it easier to register, open and operate a business in the township.​


Tags: SOPA Premier Makhura


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