MEC Hlophe launches mobile abattoir in township to ease slaughtering

Department of Social Development 2022/11/26 - 22:00

On Wednesday, 23 November 2022, the Gauteng Social Development, Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment MEC Mbali Hlophe launched a mobile abattoir programme at the Moroka Chicken Abattoir, in Ironside near Evaton, Sedibeng Region.

Addressing the community, Hlophe stressed the importance of entrepreneurship, especially amongst young people venturing into agriculture.

She said government is coming to where people reside, in places like townships, informal settlements, and hostels to create opportunities for them to flourish.

"If you have an interest in agriculture, as government we can take you to the next level. We want to build a society that is self-reliant, that does not only rely on government's hands out, but society that is able to produce food for themselves and for their families", added Hlophe.

She applauded the Moroka Chicken Abattoir for bringing change in this community and the contribution that the abattoir will have to local people. MEC added that she hopes the launch of the abattoir at the centre of Evaton township will bring about change in terms of creating job opportunities and inspire other young people to venture into Agriculture.

Hlophe handed over 18 movable abattoirs for livestock and poultry.

"We congratulate the beneficiaries who are receiving certificates today and we are saying they must go out there and work hard so that they become the next billionaires who will also create job opportunities in their communities".

The movable poultry abattoir currently has a capacity of slaughtering 2000 birds per day, however, they want to expand to 4000 per day and the red meat abattoir has a capacity y of six cattle per day.


Tags: mobile abattoir Entrepreneurship


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