Hlophe calls for creating conducive condition to report crimes on gender-based violence

Department of Social Development 2022/10/17 - 22:00

The newly appointed Gauteng Social Development, Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Mbali Hlophe has called on the government to create an environment for victims of gender-based violence crime to feel safe when they report the crime.

Hlophe was speaking during a television interview on Newsroom Afrika, following the arrest of a 20-year-old man in Selby, Johannesburg for the alleged murders of six women.

The bodies of these women were discovered on Sunday after people in nearby buildings experience bad smells coming from a panel beating building premises and called the police to investigate. During the investigation, police discovered six bodies of women believed to be sex workers.

Speaking during the interview, Hlophe said to eradicate the challenges of Gender Based Violence (GBV), “We need to alleviate hunger because many victims endure abuse as they depend on the perpetrators. Various government departments work together to intensify the war on poverty”.

“Victims must feel free to go to our offices we have professionals who will assist them. For those who need shelter, we have them across the province. In our shelters, beneficiaries do not only receive meals and counselling only, but also skills to enable their sustainability”.

“We do not just want to give handouts; we want people to be able to sustain themselves. As Social Development, Agriculture and Rural Development, we want to create opportunities for our people”, added Hlophe.

She went on to say that it does not matter on your personal status, if you become a victim of any crime authorities must assist and not victimize further. She also applauded Community Safety, MEC, Faith Mazibuko for being the best activist in the fight against violence and crime.


Tags: gender based violence


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