Green door to help GBV victims in Duduza- 01 December 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/11/30 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

Gauteng MEC of Community Safety Faith Mazibuko has launched a Green Door in Duduza, Ekurhuleni.

The facility which is located within five kilometers of the local police station offers GBV victims services such as trauma debriefing before they can open a case.

"The unveiling of the Green Door is part of Gauteng Provincial Government's response in the fight against gender-based violence and femicide," said Mazibuko.

The launch forms part of the 16 Days of Activism of No Violence against Women and Children campaign.

Duduza police are cracking the whip on GBV cases in the area. In about 95% of GBV cases, the suspects were arrested immediately. A total of 13 GBV cases were opened in October, while 21 cases were opened in November 2021. 

Green Door Ambassador, Nomthandazo Zwane has urged GBV victims to utilise the Green door services.

"We must be organized as the community of Duduza to enable us to fight the scourge of gender-based violence and criminal elements, "she said.

MEC Mazibuko called on men to have dialogues with their partners instead of abusing them.

"Fighting and ending GBV is not the government's responsibility alone, the onus cannot be on women and children to end the shocking levels of violence and abuse being visited upon them," said MEC Mazibuko.

Citizens to be vigilant and report all GBVF-related incidents to the police or call the National GBVF Command Centre on 0800 428 428 or Stop Gender Violence Helpline on 0800 150 150/*120*7867#.


Tags: GBV green door Faith Mazibuko 16 Days of Activism


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