GPG bridging the digital divide- 19 October 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/10/18 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

The Gauteng Provincial Government is forging ahead with efforts to make Information and Communications Technology (ICT) accessible to everyone irrespective of their socio-economic status and geographic location.

This access will enable people to access health services, education, and governmental services online when necessary and will enable greater access to the rapidly growing e-commerce sector.

"Today we live in the digital economy it is therefore important that the youth receive such training which a will go a long way in helping youth in the township to gain the knowledge and qualification which will serve as a starting point towards their future," Gauteng Premier David Makhura said on Tuesday.

He was speaking during the launch of the Department of e-government's ICT programme at Orient Hills, Magaliesburg. 

The benefits of ICT to economic growth have been widely recognised by international organisations such as the World Bank and the International

Telecommunication Union. 

The recent research from the Broadband Commission recognises that ICT investment is not just about the traffic that goes on the network. Rather, broadband investment creates an ecosystem of economic activity.

Makhura said he is pleased that the training doesn't exclude youth living far to reach areas of Gauteng.

"We live in an increasingly digital economy and information age in which equitable access to broadband is a basic human freedom which must be guaranteed to every member of society," he said adding that connectivity is a measure of the quality of life, human progress and economic development.

ICT has already changed how governments and public servants interacted with members of the public.

"Public services and public engagements have to respond to the information technology revolution where millions of people can access services and transact with governments anytime, anywhere, without coming face to face with public officials," said Makhura.

e-Government MEC Nomantu Nkomo - Ralehoko said the course will equip the participants with the theoretical understanding of ICT and provide them with practical skills like coding, among some.

Nkomo -Ralehoko said the skills learned in the programme will go a long way in ensuring that the province leads the digital age.

To demonstrate the province's commitment Nkomo -Ralehoko added her department has recently unveiled the Gauteng Centre of Excellence which is in line with the Grow Gauteng Together 2030 action plan.

 "This centre has three pillars which will enable digital transformation in our province. It aims to bridge the skills gap and contribute to youth employment in Gauteng and aims to create a vibrant ecosystem and enhance employability."


Tags: GGT203O Gauteng Centre of Excellence ICT


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