Gauteng invests R56 billion on infrastructure development and job creation- 27 November 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/11/26 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

Gauteng Premier, David Makhura says the provincial government is using economic and social infrastructure to create jobs.

Premier Makhura was presenting his end-of-year Political Report during a virtual sitting of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature on Friday, 27 November 2020.

This was the first political report of the sixth Provincial Administration to the Provincial Legislature. The focus was on how the Gauteng government will accelerate the implementation of its programmes of action of Growing Gauteng Together (GGT2030).

"Our over-riding strategic approach is to transform, modernise and re-industrialise the Gauteng City Region through the development of a network of Special Economic Zones, Industrial Parks and Agro-processing Hubs which will house clusters of high growth sectors of the economy and integrate township-based businesses," said Premier Makhura.

He government remained committed in providing reliable and affordable public transport infrastructure across the province.  The provincial government has established the Gauteng Transport Authority.

"The Transport Authority will give life to all our transport plans developed over the last decades which include introducing a single-ticketing system and improving intermodal facilities," he said.

Premier said over 950 Legacy project housing units had been completed, over 2000 Mega Project units had also been completed with 1 332 Mega Projects serviced stands developed.

The renovation of hostels and their conversion into family units is back on track.

Gauteng government has handed over 1111 post 1994 title deeds registered and 453 pre 1994 title deeds were registered.

In addition, Makhura noted that the COVID-19 pandemic had disrupted lives, damaged economies and destroyed livelihoods in a way not seen since the 1918 Spanish Flu and the 1929 Great Depression. It has also significantly changed the way people live.


Tags: GGT203O COVID19 Economic Develpment


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