Gauteng Government Unveils Public Wi-Fi Sites at Kromdraai, Mogale City

Department of e-Government 2024/07/21 - 22:00

Sithembele Ngcamu

​In a significant stride towards digital inclusion, the Gauteng Provincial Government has launched Gauteng Provincial Network (GPN) public Wi-Fi sites at the Kromdraai Library and Matla Combined School in Mogale City on 20 July 2024. This initiative, led by the Gauteng Department of e-Government, is set to revolutionise access to the internet for residents.

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi, who officiated the unveiling, accompanied by MEC Bongnkosi Dhlamini, emphasised the transformative potential of this initiative.

"With the unveiling of these Wi-Fi sites, we are not just connecting devices, but connecting people to opportunities. This initiative will empower our youth, enhance educational outcomes, and provide the community with the tools needed to thrive in a digital age. Wi-Fi is the new water and electricity; it has become a necessity for our residents, particularly in the townships, informal settlements, and hostels (TISH)," said Lesufi.

The GPN initiative seeks to provide free internet access to residents, enabling their participation in digital activities that can further education, enhance skills, and improve career prospects. This move aligns with the broader vision of creating a digitally inclusive society where no one is left behind.

MEC for e-Government, Dhlamini, echoed the Premier's sentiments, stressing the role of digital connectivity in modern service delivery.

"The GPN ensures that our residents can seamlessly access online resources, crucial for education, business, and daily life. By enhancing the efficiency of our service delivery and eliminating the duplication of ICT resources, we are saving costs and ensuring that our information systems remain secure," Dhlamini stated.

Introducing GPN Wi-Fi at these sites is more than just a technological upgrade; it represents a commitment to building a connected and empowered Gauteng. By ensuring free access to the internet, the provincial government is opening doors to several opportunities for education, skill development, and career advancement.

The GPN initiative is a testament to the Gauteng Provincial Government's dedication to using the power of technology to improve the lives of its residents. As Premier Lesufi put it, "This is a step towards a brighter, more connected future for all our people in TISH areas."

For more information on the Gauteng Provincial Network Wi-Fi initiative and other e-Government services, visit the official website ( of the Gauteng Department of e-Government.


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