Pretoria doctor shares her COVID -19 recovery journey- 10 September 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/09/09 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

Doctor Lerato Dikobe- Kolane, a Psychiatrist based in Tshwane, says she always believed that as a doctor working closely with many people, contracting coronavirus was an eventuality. On 02 July, eight of her patients that had been admitted two and half weeks prior with negative results, tested positive for the virus and that was a setback   because she thought she has done everything to protect them.

She immediately opened a support group to help them to deal with the virus effectively and she also tested with them, but her results came back negative.

Dikobe- Kolane remained in self-isolation as a precautionary measure, three days, she started getting sick and developed flu-like symptoms.

One of her friends who is also a Psychiatrist suggested that she must get tested again and that's when the results came back positive.

"I was tired all the time I couldn't even eat, or chew meat and meat is my favourite even my kids tried to blend my meat but just lifting the spoon to my month was difficult." Her children printed a sign written "corona vow" and hanged it on her door and they also placed a table outside her bedroom for food and everything she might have needed.  She had to get full personal protective equipment for her personal assistant because she had to be there for her. 

"I'm lucky because I'm professional doctor and I know viruses do not have any cure so I treated the symptoms as they come I had Vicks to rub my chest I also use the mixture of ginger and garlic," she said.

She said her phone was her best friend always watching movies and her mom also tested positive for the virus but thankfully they have both recovered.

Dikobe- Kolane said in order to educate people on Covid-19, there needed to be more conversation around the topic.


Tags: recovery lockdown COVID - 19


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