Relief as refurbished Helen Joseph emergency department opens - 26 May 2024

Department of Health 2024/05/26 - 22:00

Staff Writer

The newly refurbished Helen Joseph Hospital Emergency Department (ED) is set to improve bed and admission capacity, mitigating the current challenges of overcrowding experienced by the hospital.

This comes after Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko handed over the newly restructured facility on Wednesday, 22 May, in an effort to ensure that the hospital offers rapid, efficient and comprehensive medical intervention to the users of the facility. 

The newly refurbished ED boasts eight (8) resuscitation and two (2) isolation rooms, 15 medical rooms, 10 surgical rooms and 6 rooms for critically stable patients. The building has been restructured, receiving new ceiling and roofing, flooring, plumbing, electrification and HVEC and enhanced IT systems. It also has improved facilities for persons living with disabilities and improved staff workstations, including those for porters and cleaners.

MEC Nkomo-Ralehoko said that the newly refurbished ED is a significant milestone of the commitment by government to provide exceptional medical care to communities surrounding the hospital in need of critical care. 

"This ED is an acknowledgment of the strides we have taken together in healthcare innovation and patient service. This ward stands as a beacon of our shared commitment to excellence and a brighter future in health service delivery.

"I am profoundly grateful for the hard work and commitment of each individual who has played a role in making this day possible. Your dedication shines as an example of what we can achieve together in the pursuit of outstanding healthcare" said the MEC. 

In the past few weeks, the Helen Joseph Hospital has come under scrutiny for the temporary ED experiencing high volume of patients awaiting admission. The new ED will mitigate this challenge while the Department continues to make efforts to establish Accident and Emergency Departments in nearby local clinics and community health centres to decrease the growing need for emergency services by communities at Helene Joseph. 

In addition, the staff parking of the ED with improved lighting will significantly improve the safety of both our staff and hospital property, addressing concerns that have been prevalent in the past. 

"By improving security measures, we are ensuring a safer working environment for our dedicated staff, which in turn helps them to focus better on providing care without concerns for their personal safety or that of hospital property. This investment in security also demonstrates our commitment to the wellbeing of our entire hospital community, from patients to professionals," added MEC Nkomo-Ralehoko.




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