Gauteng government safeguarding livelihoods- 10 January 2022

Office of the Premier 2022/01/09 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

As the country recovers from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) continues to safeguard livelihoods the poor and vulnerable groups. 

The provincial Department of Social Development, working in partnership with other spheres of government, the private sector and civil society, has made substantial progress in the realisation of the Growing Gauteng Together (GGT2030) plan.

During the 2020/21 financial year, a total of 46 920 job opportunities for young people were created through the provincial Youth Structures Programmes exceeding the target of 33 299. 

Furthermore, the programmes enabled 55 092 youth to participate in various skills development programmes through youth structures exceeding the 45 087 targets.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought home the stark reality that 19% (3 million) of Gauteng residents are unable to meet their daily nutritional needs. 

"The War on Poverty Profiling Programme was one of the most successful in this regard, by providing more than 2 889 695 households with food relief. Our food relief efforts were boosted by the Solidarity Fund contribution of R40 million," says the department.

More than 2,3 million girl children have benefited from the Dignity Packs Programme which provides sanitary towels to young girls residing in poor households.

The project aims to restore the dignity of schoolgirls who have poor school attendance and low self-esteem as a result of the lack of financial resources, essential for affordable basic toiletries and sanitary towels.

Human settlements

The provincial government continues to transform informal settlements and upgrading of hostels across the province to improve urban quality of life.

To date, 128 803 housing opportunities were created in the Gauteng City-Region corridors. 

Efforts to care for and support military veterans is on course with a list of 381 housing beneficiaries being vetted for the 2021/22 financial year.

The province also introduced the Land Release Programme, which among others, allows government to provide serviced sites to residents who can build houses for themselves but cannot qualify for bonded houses.

In the programme, government provides basic services such as water, electricity, sanitation and roads and the owner of the property then builds their own home.

The move enables government to reduce the number of people waiting for fully subsidized funded houses.

Thus far, the programme has identified 9151 sites across Gauteng.

Secured communities

Community mobilisation remains a critical pillar of Policing Plan in Gauteng.

The success of this plan is demonstrated by the highly visible and effective Operation - "O kae Molao" which aims to reduce the levels of serious and violent crimes in the province.

Since March 2020, a total of 12 469 crime prevention operations were conducted which translated to 9 244 arrests, recovery of 1532 stolen/ hijacked vehicles and 553 priority crime dockets analysed.

GPG's commitment to tackling Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) saw the province increasing the number of "Green Doors" to 36.

Green Door centres are located within five kilometres of the local police stations and offer GBV victims services such as trauma debriefing before they can open a case.

Thus far, these centres have provided sheltering services to 1151 GBVF and crime victims in the province.

A total of 30 GBVF social workers were appointed to render specialised services across the five corridors.

Additionally, the province launched the Floor Management Programme within police stations to limit secondary victimisation and waiting times for those reporting GBVF crimes.

Restoring dignity

According to the Department of Social Development, older persons continue to be vulnerable to different forms of abuse from communities and diseases associated with old age.

"The department ensured 17 436 older persons were reached through service provided by funded community-based care and support facilities.

The department active ageing programmes reached 9 778 older persons including gym facilities,"

In supporting and transforming Non-profit organisations (NPOs), an investment of 8 million was directed towards the purchase of various equipment, electronic gadgets as well as furniture for different NPOs.

A total of 40 NPOs received residential facilities renovations and maintenance and 21 homeless shelter operational support.


Tags: GGT203O NPO COVID-19 pandemic


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