Gauteng Government continues with efforts to fight against poverty

Department of Social Development 2022/10/30 - 22:00

“I had never thought that one day I will be co-owner of a farming business”.

These were the words of 23-year-old Nancy Madzinga from Video Informal Settlement in Muldersdrift, West Rand.

Madzinga was speaking at an event where the Gauteng Provincial Government handed over a huge farm to Thusanang Vegetables Farming cooperative, which Madzinga is a member.

This hand over coincided with the World Food Day. The event was held at Umnotho for Empowerment in Video Informal Settlement, Muldersdrift in the West Rand last week.

She said, “I am very happy that today I am part of this registered cooperative and awaiting certificate. As a cooperative, we are happy that we will be able to supply vegetables locally and to big food chains. The level of unemployment in our community is high, this opportunity will create employment and empower others to establish more cooperatives to eradicate poverty”.

“We are grateful to both Gauteng Departments of Social Development and Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment in partnership with the Umnotho for e empowering and giving us the space. We also extend our gratitude to the Gauteng Enterprise Propeller for the information they afforded us. We did not know that there are different grants allocated to township businesses and we are going to utilise the opportunities brought by our government”, added Madzinga.

According to a household survey conducted by the Gauteng Department of Social Development in Muldersdrift, it was found that food security and nutrition were some of the major challenges facing this community.

This led to the creation of a Community Nutrition Development Centre (CNDC). The centre is the initiative of the Gauteng Departments Social Development and Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment in partnership with the Non-Profit Organisation, Umnotho for Empowerment funded by Social Development. The Centre is run by Umnotho, it was launched on the 18th of July 2022, and it provides nutritious meals 5 days a week to disadvantaged community members.

The organization together with the beneficiaries of the CNDC saw a need to establish a vegetable garden and they formed a cooperative. The beneficiaries will take ownership of the project and will be able to generate income to improve their livelihoods as they will be able to sell those vegetables.

Gauteng Provincial Government strives to ensure that no one should go to bed with an empty stomach.


Tags: World Food Day Commemoration poverty alleviation War on Poverty


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