Drive-through vaccination sites a big hit in Gauteng- 27 July 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/07/26 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

Drive-through vaccination sites has been a big hit in Gauteng as motorists line up to get their COVID-19 jabs.

To date over 20 000 people have used the four drive-through vaccination sites in two districts, Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni. In Johannesburg, eligible persons can visit the Houghton Masjid drive-through and Grace Bible church in Soweto.

In Ekurhuleni, eligible persons can drive to the Christian Family Church of South Africa (CFCSA) in Atlas Road and the Daveyton Main Clinic.

The drive-through vaccination sites provide an opportunity for people to receive their vaccination in a safe, convenient, quick, and efficient environment.   The drive-through solution assists specifically the elderly as they do not have to stand in long queues for a long period waiting for their turn to be inoculated.

Whilst visiting the newly opened Houghton drive-through vaccination site, Gauteng Premier, David Makhura said: "The site will go a long way in ramping up the COVID-19 vaccination drive in the province.

"I encourage those eligible for vaccination to visit these sites. We aim to double our vaccinations to 100 000 a day. Last week we reached 61 000 per day. We will achieve this working with the private sector and our social partners," said Makhura.

The Ekurhuleni health district's Terrance Magoro said: "It is an innovative initiative open to everyone and allows people who are due for vaccination to remain in their vehicle where they can control their own temperature, listen to their favourite radio programme or even play their music while waiting for their turn to receive COVID-19 vaccine.

"A third site, Phola Park Community Health Centre will be added in the next week and the district will have one drive-through in each of the 3 sub-districts of the municipality.

"The site which has been running from the beginning of the vaccination programme is the Christian Family Church of South Africa and has vaccinated more than 17 215 as of 27 July 2021," he said.

Magoro said the district, has received positive feedback from people who were vaccinated at these drive-through sites.


Tags: vaccination programme vaccination sites COVID - 19


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