Department shines spotlight on Social Work Profession

Department of Social Development 2022/03/21 - 22:00

​The Gauteng Department of Social Development joined the global community in observing the World Social Work Day (WSWD) on Thursday, 17 March 2022.

Celebrated under the theme, “Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind,” the day was earmarked to celebrate the achievements of the profession, and to promote the contributions of the profession to individuals, families, communities and the wider society.

World Social Work Day is described by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) as a celebration that aims to highlight the achievements of social work, to raise the visibility of social services for the future of societies, and to defend social justice and human rights.

As the growing demand for social work services increases, especially during these uncertain times, it is more important than ever, that social workers are recognised as strong advocates, champions, leaders and frontline workers who help the most vulnerable people in society.

The Gauteng Department of Social Development has therefore recognised the significant role social workers have played, particularly in the last two years.

Speaking during the webinar, Social Development MEC Morakane Mosupyoe alluded that indeed the devastating occurrence of Covid-19 in the last two years have put social workers under distress and as the Department, they recognise and appreciate the significant role all social workers have played.

“We do however hope that social workers will remain motivated and continue to live out Departmental values, remain loyal and committed to their vocational calling and continue to be exemplary in exercising professional conduct and ethical social work practice,” she said.

The MEC further stated that following the harsh effects of changing weather patterns as evidenced by droughts and floods which among others destroyed homes and displaced people, social workers and social auxiliary workers were always at the forefront responding to the needs of communities in times of disaster.

“Today we sought not only to commemorate the day but to afford key stakeholders to recognise social work as a profession for efficient delivery of integrated quality and ethical developmental social welfare,” she added.

One of the key highlights was that of Social Welfare Services Deputy Director-General (DDG) Onkemetse Kabasia who encouraged social workers, social auxiliary workers and community development practitioners to take care of themselves.

He said, “You need to go through debriefing sessions so that you can move with the times in terms of the third and fourth industrial revolution.”

“Technologies such as computers, mobile technologies, big data, virtual reality and artificial intelligence are now creating a potential disruption in the traditional practice of social work.”

“We therefore need to take deliberate steps to re-orientate the profession,” added Kabasia.

The Department has called upon all residents of Gauteng to unite and work together with social work practitioners towards ensuring that all participate in initiatives that promote the value


Tags: Social Work Profession World Social Work Day 2022


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