Makhura urges members of opposition parties to read

Office of the Premier 2019/07/04 - 22:00

Staff Writer

Gauteng Premier, David Makhura has urged members of opposition parties at the provincial legislature to read so that they familiarise themselves with some of the legislations that run the provincial government.

Responding to the State of the Province Address debate at the legislature on Thursday, Premier Makhura said it was embarrassing that some senior members of the opposition could not debate his speech. 

"Some of you had valuable contributions to make and we will consider those ideas.  But some of your debate lacked substance," said Premier Makhura

Inkatha Freedom Party's Thembinkosi Dhlamini welcomed premier's announcement that all SMMEs and township businesses contracting with the Gauteng Provincial Government would be paid within 15 days to boost their sustainability. 

Democratic Alliance's Solly Msimanga labelled Makhura's speech as the State of Planning address, and said the people of Gauteng were tired of empty promises.

African National Congress's Chief Whip, Mzi Khumalo said the ruling party would ensure that every household has access to basic shelter, a piece of land and a decent income and ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare.

MEC for Education Panyaza Lesufi said the provincial government was investing a lot of resources in Early Childhood Development to ensure that children receive quality education in their foundation years. If you can't get education right, you can't get the economy right," said Lesufi.


Tags: David Makhura


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