Taunyane moving to greater heights

Department of Social Development 2021/03/13 - 22:00

"I once studied teaching to please my father, but latter changed my mind when I realised it was not my calling and passion". That's according to Kehumile Taunyane, who is a Social Worker at the Gauteng Department of Social Development, West Region based in Carletonville Office.

She was speaking to The Bulletin, as we mark World Social Work Day. I joined the department a year ago, as a Social Worker. "Before that I was working as an Admin Officer at Kutlwanong Centre for Science and Technology (NPO) in Roodepoort. Before pursuing studies in Social Work I did legal admin and computer courses. I also used to assist pupils with mathematics and science.

"I did not enjoy working at Kutlwanong as it was not my passion, I worked there to please my father. I then decided that I won't do this any longer, I enrolled for a Social Work degree at University of South Africa".

He eventually came to terms with the fact that she was not passionate with admin and teaching. "I think I wasted a lot of time doing other stuff other than Social Work. People should make research before following a career", said Taunyane.

In 2018, Taunyane obtained Honors in Social Work Degree at the University of South Africa. "I came across an advert from the department for a temporary Social Worker post on a four months basis and I applied.

My application was successful, and since then I have never looked back. It is unfortunate my father passed away in 2007 before he could witness me become a Social Worker". Last year in April she was appointed as a qualified Social Worker. Taunyane works with victim empowerment and she is based in Carletonville office.

"I am enjoying my job because I make a lot of impact in the community especially empowering victims of crime. I like listening to other people especially when they are dealing with challenges of life. It is not easy to work with victims because I always put myself in their shoes (situations); I sometimes need counselling because it is traumatizing to see someone being victimized. I remember when I attended a case of a minor after she was raped by a family member, but she started adjusting following the sessions I had with her. I cope because I am surrounded by supportive colleagues".

"I will forever be grateful to Social Development for all they have done for me. I will repay them by making a meaningful difference in the society. I wish people can stop taking social work for granted", she added.


Tags: Social Work Profession World Social Word Day 2021 SOCIAL WORKER


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