A call for life imprisonment against alleged perpetrator in Paula Mqoma’s murder case

Department of Social Development 2022/12/07 - 22:00

​The Gauteng Social Development, Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, MEC Mbali Hlophe attended the murder case of Paula Mqoma at Springs Magistrate Court in Ekurhuleni. 

Paula Mqoma (47) from Ext 3 in Kwa-Thema was assaulted by her boyfriend last month and died at Pholosong Hospital after suffering severe injuries. 

Speaking outside the Springs Magistrate Court, MEC Mbali Hlophe said “What should be a good morning, is not today, because we came here to listen to the murder case of Paula Mqoma.” 

“I am here with the family, her mother and son who now must pick up by themselves after this unfortunate occasion that left people and the community grieving.” 

“No one should end someone’s life in such a brutal manner. President Ramaphosa has identified Gender-Based Violence and Femicide as a second pandemic and it remains one of those that we need to shine the spotlight on. So, we are here today, unfortunately this takes place during 16 Days of Activism, which further highlights the importance of bringing together the society to fight the scourge of GBVF.” 

“During this time of the year, we want to bring more focus to men, especially looking at the boy child. One of our interventions as the Gauteng Provincial Government was to host the 365 Men of the Year Awards, where we appreciated and honoured men who are a great example in our society.” 

“We need to start talking more about this so that we can turn the tide on these horrific statistics on GBVF,” said Hlophe. 

She added, “The law needs to take its course and it must be harsher and brutal, the same way that these perpetrators are brutalising their victims. Part of the engagements is that they must be given life sentences for what they have done.” 

“It certainly can’t be that you can kill someone and expect to walk out in the next couple of years. They too must be affected but obviously we have a legal system that needs to be abided to,” said the MEC. 

Community leader, activist and Chairperson of One Strong Voice Foundation, Brian Sithole called for a harsher sentence against the alleged perpetrator. 

“Our call is simple, let the accused or suspect receive life imprisonment. People like him have got no room in our society. They have a nice place where they belong, which is prison,” said Sithole. 

The Gauteng Department of Social Development has supported the Mqoma family with psychosocial support and brought capacity in terms of social workers. The Department will further link Paula’s children aged 25, 23 and 16 years with bursaries and skills development programmes, so that they are able to provide for the family in future and not fall to the trap of substance abuse and related ills. 

The alleged Paula Mqoma’s perpetrator has been denied bail, and his sixth appearance will be on 05 December 2022 at Springs Magistrate Court.


Tags: 16 Days of Activism gender based violence


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