Gauteng government continue to give out school uniform to the poor

Department of Social Development 2021/03/22 - 22:00

Two Ekurhuleni schools received 200 school uniforms and dignity packs as part of Bana Pele programme on Thursday.

As the 2021 schooling academic programme already commenced a month ago, the Gauteng government visited numerous schools to provide school uniform and dignity pack to destitute and vulnerable children as part of the basket of services as offered by Gauteng Social Development Department.

The Gauteng Social Department Development (GDSD) MEC Morakane Mosupyoe accompanied by community leaders, officials and parents handed out one hundred (100) and school uniforms and dignity packs at Palm Ridge Secondary School in Palm Ridge.

MEC and her team proceeded to Setsing Primary in Thokoza, where 100 school uniforms and dignity packs were handed to the beneficiaries.

Mosupyoe said, "Bana Pele programme is aimed at assisting less fortunate learners, this programme ensures that all learners are at the same level as their peers. As Social Development, we are custodians of the Children's Act, therefore responsible for care and protection of children, and as school calendar progresses, we have a responsibility to lend a hand where possible. We want our learners to concentrate on learning".

Addressing parents, school management and School Governing Body at Setsing Primary School, Mosupyoe said, "The Department of Social Development is mandated to protect children. Today we are happy to be in this school and we are also pleased with your pass rate of over 70%. We are appealing to the parents to encourage children to look after their uniforms so that when we come back, we give those who were left behind, as we heard that most of the leaners are coming from impoverished backgrounds.

"We are pleased to inform you that the uniform we brought is quality manufactured by women-owned cooperatives in the province. A school uniform pack consists of pair of shoes, pair of socks, jersey, a pack of underpants, a vest and tunic/trouser/skirt/shirt depending on the gender of the learner. We also encourage our learners to study hard despite the pandemic we face. Education is the key that will open doors for you in future and government will continue to give the necessary support" MEC concluded.​


Tags: school uniform Dignity packs Bana Pele Programme


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