CT Scan for Pholosong Hospital

Department of Health 2019/08/29 - 22:00

Thabisile Mkhwanazi

Long waiting times will be a thing of the past with the launch of a brand-new CT-scan at Pholosong Hospital.
The machine will make it possible to offer in-house diagnoses of illnesses as well as assessment of injuries and damage involving the brain, chest, abdomen as well as lower and upper limbs.
This also means that longer waiting times for immediate diagnosis and interventions by medical professionals will be a thing of the past.
For the first time, Pholosong Hospital will be offering this much needed service to the community of Duduza, Tsakane and kwaThema and surrounding areas.
Over the years, the hospital referred patients who needed this service to Far East Rand Hospital or Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital for emergency CT scans.
This referral of patients to other hospitals hindered access to care for many patients and impacted negatively on the hospitals ability to offer quality care to those who needed the service.
Acting CEO, Dr Ashley Mthunzi said that the availability of the service is an achievement for the hospital and an important win for patients as they will not be travelling far for a CT scan.
“The advantage of having this machine at Pholosong is that it will give immediate attention to patients, reduce waiting times particularly in case of critical cases. Additionally, doctors will be now able to receive an immediate diagnosis and act fast,” explained Dr Mthunzi.
Apart from assisting with reducing overcrowding and over booking to other hospitals, the machine provides more detailed images than X-rays and can be used in the diagnosis of many types of cancers that are fast becoming a concern in the hospital.   The service is expected to start from the first of October 2019.



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