Gauteng opens more vaccination sites- 09 June 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/06/08 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

The Gauteng Provincial Government has this week opened up more vaccination sites which will give a boost to the province's vaccination programme.

According to the Department of Health this will enable government to fast-track vaccination of more people that are 60 years and older and healthcare workers as part of Phase 1b and Phase 2.

A total of 25 new sites have been added to the current list taking Gauteng vaccination list to 129 (89 public and 40 private sites).

The new sites are in public service and spread across the province as follows:

Johannesburg has ten additional sites, Tshwane 5, Ekurhuleni 4, West Rand 3 and Sedibeng 3.

Since the launch of the Phase 2 and Phase 1b of the vaccination programme on 17 May 2021, the province has vaccinated 246 791 people. Of these 184 191 are people 60 years and above and 62 600 are healthcare workers. To date a total of 499 533 people are registered on Electronic Vaccine Data System (EVDS).

According to the department's spokesperson Kwara Kekana since the start of the vaccination programme, there has been steady increase in the uptake of the vaccine.

"More and more vaccination sites are now live meaning that more people can get vaccinated closer to where they stay or work," said Kekana.

She further urged the public to register on the EVDS platform, which is put in place to facilitate the scheduling of the vaccination programme.

 "Government has taken steps to ensure that all vaccination sites make adequate plans for walk-ins, no person will be turned away from vaccination sites. Healthcare Workers are assisting the elderly in their homes and other settings to register on the EVDS in preparation for vaccination. For assistance with registration," she added.

Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 remains one of the best ways to protect ourselves and our loved ones. By vaccinating and adhering to the non-pharmaceutical interventions we can reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep the economy open.

It should also be noted that people can still contract the Coronavirus even if they have been vaccinated for COVID-19. The vaccine boosts the immune system to prevent severe illness, hospitalisation, and death in the event one contracts the disease.


Tags: vaccination programme EVDS vaccination sites COVID - 19


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