A Randburg lawyer relates his COVID-19 recovery journey- 15 October 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/10/14 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

A 48-year-old lawyer from Makhe Attorneys in Randburg, Kagiso Serame, was one of the first people to contract coronavirus in South Africa.  He began showing symptoms after he returned home from work on 27 March 2020.

He was the was the third case in his workplace, but the first black male to be confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus.

He recalls his symptoms which started with chills, his temperature was high that night.

On March 30, he also started coughing vigorously, he then decided to go to hospital to get tested. That was the start of his journey as a COVID-19 patient.

In the hospital, the coughing persisted. The chills were still there. And then there were muscle pains.

"My entire body was aching, and this persisted but on the third day in hospital the cough started to disappear.  I was alone in the hospital room because nobody could visit, not even your family members. It's a negative pressure room.

"My wife and I had video calls almost every hour. She was always checking on me to make sure that I have eaten, and that I drank enough water. Every time I felt fear, I would immediately call my wife and my daughter just to suspend the reality that I was in a hospital," he said.

Serame said it was important that once a person have symptoms, they need to immediately isolate to protect the loves ones.

"It is important that people know that they should not fear going to the hospital and that's the only way they can protect their loved ones," he said.

He also appealed to the public to make sure they wash their hands regularly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer and always remember to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.​


Tags: recovery COVID - 19


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