DSD takes GBV to the streets

Department of Social Development 2021/03/29 - 22:00

As the country commemorates Human Rights Month, the Department of Social Development observed this through highlighting the issue of Gender Based Violence (GBVF) and femicide on women and children in the province. It led a march on the streets of Johannesburg to raise awareness on the prevalence of the scourge.

The march started at Mary Fitzgerald Square to Constitutional Hill. It was attended by few people due to the Covid19 pandemic and the participants were later were transported to Diepsloot.

Speaking to the marchers Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu said, "The scourge of abuse on women and children is so severe that the President and cabinet have resolved that GBVF should be observed 365 days a year. Our mandate as a department is the well-being of the vulnerable especially the aged who are not even enjoying their state-issued grants because of uncaring family members".

Zulu added that, "To put an end to GBVF, it requires a behavioural change by society so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of our hard-earned freedom".

In addressing the gathering, Gauteng Social Development MEC Morakane Mosupyoe said, "Most women and girls live in fear of violence in their own homes, where they are supposed to feel safe and protected, especially in the midst of a devastating global pandemic. This is a violation of their human rights".

Act Now, Spokesperson, Tebogo Lerole, said that GBVF was the worse violation of human rights and as a group, "We have decided that each step we make today is dedicated to the victims of GBVF".

The walk coincides with the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women that is underway to review the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Plan for Action, which South Africa has ratified.

The walk was also part of the 365 Days of Action to expedite the implementation of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (2019-2024).


Tags: femicide Gender Based Violaence abuse


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