Charlotte Maxeke Hospital ready for COVID-19 fifth wave- 09 May 2022

Office of the Premier 2022/05/08 - 22:00

Rofhiwa Marubini-Tshitahe 

Gauteng province is experiencing a resurgence in new COVID-19 infections. This could be an indication that we may be entering the fifth wave.

There is also a steady increase in the number of influenza cases as we enter the winter season.

Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) says it has put in place a contingency plan to deal with possible hospital admissions. CMJAH is gradually opening its doors after fire forced parts of the hospital to be temporarily closed.

"We have always run the repurposing and redeploying strategy in the hospital, using the available resources, as the need for more beds becomes apparent, we open-up different wards to assist in accommodating COVID-19 patients," said Clinical Director Punwasi Jayshina.

To beef-up the workforce the hospital said it will direct staff from other departments to assist in COVID-19 wards.

The Gauteng Provincial Government said, compared with previous waves, COVID-19 vaccines have been effective in reducing hospital admissions and deaths during the fourth wave.

"Vaccination remains the most effective weapon to protect ourselves against the coronavirus and influenza. Both vaccines can be taken at the same time."

Everyone, including young people are at risk of severe illness and hospitalisation should they contract the coronavirus, therefore young people are encouraged to get vaccinated.

People are urged to continue practising safety measures such as wearing a mask, maintaining a safe physical distance, washing hands regularly with soap and water, and ensuring good ventilation.

The provincial government calls on all organisations (stokvels, faith-based organisations, sporting clubs, employers, etc) who have 50 people or more who are willing to be vaccinated to request a pop-up site.

Requests for pop-up sites can be forwarded to or call the Gauteng Hotline on: 0800 22 88 27. Vaccination education will also be provided.


Tags: COVID-19 fifth wave Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital


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