More than 13 million apply for R350 grant- 16 September 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/09/15 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has received more than 13 million applications for the special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant. 

Of these, 8.3 million applications have been approved, and payments have started to these recipients.

About 3.7 million applications have been declined due to claimants having additional sources of income or receiving relief from either the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) or the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). 

Around 845,000 applications are still in the validation process. 

Recipients of the grant are urged not to flock to post offices to collect their payments before receiving an SMS. 

If your application is declined, you still have the right to appeal within 30 days of receiving the declined reason.

The appeal can be done on the SASSA website at and follow the links for reconsideration.

The R350 per month grant is an important safety net for families who would otherwise be devastated by the scourge of poverty and unemployment.

During the address to the nation on Sunday night, President Cyril Ramaphosa said government remains committed to providing South Africa's most vulnerable people with financial support to see them through the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We continue to implement measures to assist households, employees and businesses that have been affected by the pandemic and by the public violence that occurred in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng in July," said President.​


Tags: Social Relief of Distress Grant SASSA COVID - 19


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