MEC distributes school uniform to under privileged learners

Department of Social Development 2021/03/22 - 22:00

As part of the school readiness programme, the Gauteng Social Development MEC Morakane Mosupyoe, showered disadvantaged learners of Refalletse Primary school in Orange Farm and Durban Deep primary school in Roodepoort with new school.

Each school received hundred (100) of school uniform packs and therefore two hundred (200) learners were targeted for the day. The uniform was manufactured by local women-owned cooperatives and consists of a pair of shoes, pair of socks, a pack of underpants, a jersey, a tunic, trouser, skirt, shirt and a vest depending on the gender of the child and the uniform type of the school.

Mosupyoe wished the learners well in their academic year and encouraged parents to play a pivotal role in helping children with schoolwork. She said "Education and proper foundation for our children is important. I am glad that all these schools continue to produce good results despite challenges they have. As government, we call on all members of society and parents to participate actively in giving our children the best they can get from us. It is important that we support, nurture and love these learners and always encourage them to be in school.

She further commended the work of women-owned cooperatives who partnered with the department to manufacture the school uniform.

"Am excited that all this work is done by the locals and the quality is good. As government, we have the responsibility to grow your cooperatives to become local business that will contribute in uplifting the township economy and create jobs for our young people".

The school uniform distribution initiative is part of the Gauteng Provincial Government's Bana Pele Project which is aimed at poverty alleviation and also to encourage learners to be in school and exercise their constitutional right to education without any discomfort.


Tags: school uniform Bana Pele Programme Dignity packs


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