Gauteng Social Development Gears-Up For Adoption Services

Department of Social Development 2022/05/29 - 22:00

​As the world observed the International Family Day on the 15th of May 2022, the Gauteng Department of Social Development moved swiftly to start rendering Adoption Services which previously was done by designated and accredited Child Protection Organizations (CPO’s) and accredited Social Workers in Private Practice.

The Department hosted a Provincial Consultation with Registered Adoption Social Workers to appraise the Social Workers on the current status quo of Provincial adoption services, to share expectations and responsibilities of adoption services and to share the new amendments of the Children’s Act.

The Children’s Second Amendment Act, Act No. 18 of 2016 introduced the inclusion of a Social Worker in the employ of the Department of Social Development into the definition of “Adoption Social Worker” to render adoption services. These amendments have brought new responsibilities and challenges in terms of its implementation; as adoption which is a specialty services that Social Workers in the Department of Social Development did not possess before.

Ms Keba Ntwampe: Director: Restorative Services and Services to Children, stated that “Provincially, the Children’s Directorate has provided adoption training to DSD Social Workers in all five Regions as part of their readiness to provide adoption services. 

She further stated that a provincial forum will be established in support of adoption services and for registered and accredited Social Workers. She also stated that creating community awareness about this service is of critical importance.
Currently there are about 106 Social Workers registered to render adoption services.

There are 23 CPO’s and 17 Social Workers in Private Practice that are also accredited to render adoption services. The challenge among others is maladministration of adoption services and some Adoption Service Providers are not adhering to statutory processes as stipulated in Children’s Act 38/2005.

There are presently about 230 children who need to be placed in adoption.

National Department of Social Development: Social Work Policy Manager for National Adoptions Isaac Chavalala said that Social Workers should also be trained on Register of Adoptable Children and Prospective Adoptive Parents (RACAP)so that they can place children on the register so that those children will be matched with prospective adoptive parents.

Deputy Director-General of Social Welfare Services, Community Development, Regions, and Institutions Mr. Onkemetse Kabasia indicated that the Regions that haven’t yet started implementing adoption services must do so in quarter 2 of the financial year; 2022/23.


Tags: AdoptionServices Foster Care Child Care


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