From being a social outcast to a role model

Department of Social Development 2020/10/05 - 22:00

A recovered drug addict Mlungisi Banda from Duduza in Ekurhuleni never thought that one day his family will disown him as a child.

According to Banda who was raised by a single parent, he started by smoking cigarette and weed after school with his friends. He was in grade six when he started smoking. For him and his friends smoking was cool. He later experimented with a drug known as "Button" which he used for more than three years.

"When I was in Grade nine, I then started taking nyaope that drove me to stealing, robbery, and house breaking. I was no longer listening to anyone including my family and to me I was alone in this world. I cared less about life and I ended up in the streets however by then I tried to quit on my own and it was not easy" says Banda.

"I visited SANCA office in Nigel to ask for help and I had to attend counselling sessions before being admitted to a rehabilitation facility. It was not an easy journey until I met the FRC Rehabilitation manager who helped me. He placed me on a waiting list and called my mom to explain the admission procedure. While I waited for my turn I never gave up."
Banda received information about his admission at FRC Rehabilitation from his mother. Although his family had lost hope in him, he told himself that God has answered his prayers and he was going to prove everyone wrong.

He was placed on a three months rehabilitation programme and during his stay at the rehabilitation centre he was also given an opportunity to visit his family.

"Temptations were there because I came across my friends I used to smoke with, however I asked the centre if it was possible for them to extend more months and they added another three months" says Banda.

For the extra three months he was able to learn to cope and deal with things such as peer pressure.

"Because I was putting God in everything I do, it happened that one day they called me in the office, and I was offered a job as a Care Worker. I accepted an offer because I was now clean and sober from drugs"

"I couldn't believe myself that I managed to complete all the sessions and now I am going to work, and the struggle was over" Banda said with a smile.

His dream and goal are to assists other addicts from all races to become better people just like him.

He concluded by saying that he's been there, and he was able to come out and meaning that everything is possible for everyone who is willing to change for the better.​


Tags: Drug Addict rehabilitated Substance Abuse


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