Corrupt people must face jail time, Premier Makhura- 01 September 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/08/31 - 22:00

Thembisa Shologu

Premier David Makhura has sent a strong message that those involved in corruption acts will not be tolerated in the province and should go to jail.

Addressing the virtual sitting of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature on Tuesday, 1 September 2020, following the recent Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) procurement saga, Premier Makhura said such behaviour showed that the criminal-minded were always looking for an opportunity to pounce.


“This doesn’t seem like something that just happened, it seems like it was a plan designed to ensure that proper rules were not followed and people wanted to make a quick buck.

“This is the time when we need to see people go to jail for corruption. Money must be recovered from both businesses and government officials, I have no mercy for those found guilty,” said Makhura.

As part of ensuring proper controls on COVID-related expenditure, the province has customised the financial system to enable accounting of all COVID-related expenditure.


“This assists in identifying any potential red flags including overspending and misallocations on a monthly basis.


“We brought both the Gauteng Audit Services (GAS) and subsequently the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) to investigate procurement malfeasance. It is clear that a number of things went wrong in the procurement of PPE,” said the Premier.


Furthermore, the Forensic Investigation Unit has been transferred to the Office of the Premier so that it could work with other state agencies to proactively prevent corruption and looting in all major projects across government in Gauteng.


“We will continue to strengthen ethical culture across the system of government. This includes transparency, accountability and swift action against any acts of corruption in government and society.


“This is also because those that are in public office and those that are public servants are serving the people, and as such, must account on the utilisation of state resources,” he said.


The Special Investigation Unit is currently investigating if there has been any collusion or price fixing among the suppliers of PPE.


“Collusion and price fixing is corruption and it must be treated with seriousness and ruthless determination,” concluded Makhura.


Tags: Corruption arrests


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