From Passion to Purpose, The Inspiring Journey of Gomang Milner

Department of Social Development 2024/09/01 - 22:00

Tshepo Gavin Motholo

When the Gauteng Province Premier, Mr Panyaza Lesufi, announced the Nasi Ispani initiative, a mass recruitment drive aimed at tackling youth unemployment in Gauteng, the Gauteng Department of Social Development answered this call, opening its doors to thousands of young known as service delivery brigades.

In celebration of Women's Month, this week's bulletin shines a spotlight on one of these remarkable individuals. Gomang Milner, 36, always dreamed of working in a government department. When the Nasi Ispani initiative presented her with an opportunity, she seized it eagerly. Initially people, placed at the Johannesburg Regional Office, Milner's dedication and perseverance quickly set her apart. 

Her hard work earned her a position at the Gauteng Social Development head office, where she served as a Personal Assistant to the Auxiliary Services Director.

But Milner's journey did not end there. She was later transferred to the fleet management directory, where she acquired new skills and embraced the challenges of her role with enthusiasm. Her eagerness to learn and adapt made the transition smooth, and she continues to thrive in her position.

Feeling at home in the Department, Milner is grateful for the warm welcome and support from her colleagues. She values the opportunities for growth and learning, and she shares her advice with her fellow women: "Patience, hard work, and commitment are the keys to success. Small opportunities can lead to bigger ones."

As Milner's contract approaches its expiration date, she finds herself at a crossroads. Will she secure a permanent position within the department, or will new opportunities beckon? Regardless of what the future holds, one thing is certain: her experience, skills, and determination have prepared her for greatness.


Tags: Youth Unemployment Youth Bridages service delivery brigades


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