A community developer of many talents

Department of Social Development 2020/02/20 - 22:00

GDSD continues to shine as an employer that has dynamic workers in its ranks. Once such is 40–year -old Victor Supugane Seshoka, who writes books in his spare time.

This rising star was born and grew up in Bolebedu outside Tzaneen in Limpopo Province. He is employed as a Community Development Practitioner at the Gauteng Department of Social Development, Tshwane Region.

“I have published five books to date with these titles: From Dreams to Reality, Worship from a Pure Heart, See the Promise and pay the Price, Overcoming Failure and Still Under Construction. Watch out for three more books this year of 2020” he said.

Seshoka is also a founder of the Kgalalelo Education Foundation an organization focusing on the empowerment of young people who are at school and come from rural and underprivileged areas.

His Foundation plans to build three libraries in rural areas and provide 20 000 students with bursaries to further their studies at various tertiary. “I am a motivational speaker, life coach, author, publisher and a community development practitioner,” he said

Last year he was awarded Influential Man of the Year at an event that was organized by Big Foot Production in partnership with Glow TV to honour men who are doing outstanding work in their communities.

“In five years I see myself having completed my PhD, published at least 20 books. The advice I can give to my colleagues is that do your best for your family, community and your country because the world needs self-less people.”


Tags: Empowerment Talent Community Development Practitioner


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