Recent increase in poverty is unfortunate, but we are better off

Department of Social Development 2020/02/20 - 22:00

More than half of South Africans (55.5%) or 30-million people live below the national poverty line that is R992 per month. This number increased since 2011. The groups worst affected by poverty are black South Africans‚ the unemployed‚ the less educated‚ female-headed households‚ large families and children. That’s according to a study by the Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) on national poverty lines published last year.

While these figures show a decrease, compared to the previous statistic which estimated that close to two thirds of South Africans 66,6% or roughly 31,6 milllion people were living below the national poverty line. The state of poverty remains high in the country.

In a bid to reduce poverty in Gauteng, the provincial government revised its Anti-Poverty Strategy which was unveil by Social Development Acting MEC Panyaza Lesufi in Johannesburg last December. The first phase of the plan was to ensure that children who are in a school nutritional programme do not go hungry during the festive holidays. The strategy does not confine itself on children, it also focusses on other sectors such as the unemployed, female headed households and families. The inter-departmental driven anti-poverty strategy is led by the Gauteng Department of Social Development. Recently, the department gave a report on the work they have done since April last year to date.

In their third quarter report, the department’s Non-Profit Organisation, Partnership and Funding said they have distributed seventy-four thousand food parcels to poverty-stricken families in the province. The report goes further that these distributions benefited about 259 942 individuals. A sum of R75 million has been allocated for the financial year ending in March.

“The state alone will not be able to address these massive challenges of poverty. We plan to rally businesses through their Corporate Social Investment (CSI) particularly those that are involved children services by getting them to pledge support and practically contribute to Bana Pele. We plan to host a workshop with those that are responsible for CSI in different companies and introduce Information Technology database for children on Bana Pele programme” they explain in the report.

Bana Pele is programme that was adopted by the Gauteng Provincial Government to make the province fit for children, through this programme following services are offered to children; School transport for those who live 5km from school, School feeding for those who are in first quintile as define by department of education, Psychosocial support by Social Workers, Free Health Care and Child Support Grant to children who live in a household where there is a monthly income of R1100.​


Tags: Anti Poverty Strategy


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