Graduation To Benefit Care Workers And Community Development Practitioners For More Greener Pastures

Department of Social Development 2023/09/10 - 22:00

​Hundreds of youths in Gauteng will now have a competitive urge in the labour market, thanks to the Department of Social Development and its partners in academia, the Health and Welfare Sector Education Training Authority (HWSETA), Education Training Development Practice Sector Education Training Authority (ETDPSETA), and Higher Education Institutions.

This comes after the graduation of over two hundred and fifty (250) Assistant Community Development Practitioners (ACDPs), Community Development Practitioners (CDPs), and Child and Youth Care Workers (CYCWs) who were bestowed with NQF Level 4 and 5 qualifications from different institutions of higher learning.

The Gauteng Department of Social Development yesterday hosted a graduation ceremony at Kievits Kroon in Pretoria to honour its foot soldiers.

Community Development Practitioners have proven to play an important role in turning around the lives of poor and vulnerable communities through the provision of adequate services. Most beneficiaries of such services reside in impoverished rural and township communities who depend largely on community development programmes, including, but not limited to community dialogues, counselling, care and support.

This is the reason the National Department of Social Development and the South African Council for Social Service Professionals are in the process of professionalising Community Development Practice.

Given high levels of unemployment in the country which affect many South Africans, especially the youth, the graduation did not only serve as a recognition ceremony, but also assisted with ensuring that graduates are able apply for work opportunities and advance their career development through the acquired certificates.

Addressing graduates, Deputy Director General (DDG) for Community Development at the National Department of Social Development, Peter Netshipale congratulated graduates for thriving against all odds.

“Our mandate as Social Development is very broad and relates to many chapters of the Constitution of South Africa. One that is important, is that which speaks to eradication of poverty.”

“As the Department, we will continue to ensure that our communities take charge of their own development to ensure a better society for all,” said Netshipale

He added that the graduates, who are foot soldiers, will go deeper in communities to enable the poor, the vulnerable and those that are excluded to access service and secure a better life for themselves.

A graduate, who is currently an Assistant Community Development Practitioner at the Gauteng Department of Social Development in Ekurhuleni Region, Dion Mabotha thanked the Department for the opportunity and reiterated that he is going for greener pastures.

“From here, we hope we will be able to motivate for better salaries as we are now qualified practitioners,” said Mabotha jokingly.

This Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programme has proven to be a key instrument for workplace skills development and collectively works towards changing the lives of workers and highlights the importance of collaboration between SETAs and government departments in skills transfer and development.


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