MEC Khawe handed over new centre of Excellence in Vaal

Department of Social Development 2019/09/04 - 22:00

Gauteng Social Development MEC Thuliswa Khawe calls for young people to fully grasp opportunities presented by government which aim to empower and skill the youth population.

MEC Thuliswa Khawe was speaking during the official hand over of Bokamoso Skills and Development Centre, a newly completed, compliant and properly registered Centre of Excellence to the community of Small Farm in Evaton, Sedibeng Region.

Addressing community of Small Farm, MEC Thuliswa Khawe said the Gauteng government continues to care for and prioritise the development of young people because they represent the future of this country.

She said the centre of excellence will offer state of the art facilities for accredited artisan training.

"The department will continue to work with Non-Profit Organisations to ensure that youth is capacitated in a form of training and employment opportunities." Said MEC Khawe.

"I would like to see the graduates of this centre start their own businesses and being able to employ other people. That will be one of the key milestones of this centre of excellence. I am convinced that the centre will have massive impact in changing the lives of young people" she added.
The MEC further pleaded with all community members to guard the centre against criminals and ensure that no one vandalises the property because it is there to give young people a bright future.

The Managing Director of the centre Eliabeth Marabe is pleased and grateful to see the centre making the impact in the community.

"Although there is more that needs to be done, I am glad that the institution is fulfilling the purpose that was initiated for" she said.

Jane Fakase who used to be a beneficiary at Bokamoso encouraged her fellow young people to use opportunities that the centre provides to better their career. A highly motivated Fakase said she started off as a volunteer in the garden and later worked in the kitchen. She is currently a supervisor in the nutrition centre of Bokamoso where she supervises more than five people.

"I am proud of Bokamoso and appreciate the changes they brought in my life. To other young people I am saying wake up and strive to be the person that you want to be" she concluded.


Tags: Centre of Excelence


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