Team Gauteng Health Strategic Review and Planning Lekgotla is in session

Department of Health 2019/08/20 - 22:00

Gauteng Health Comms.

The Gauteng Department of Health senior managers converge today at Saint Georges Hotel in Pretoria to kick start their three days Strategic Review and Planning Lekgotla. Attended by over 120 delegates from Gauteng public health facilities, the Strategic Review and Planning Lekgotla is aimed at consulting with and gain substantive inputs from the employees towards the development of the new Departmental Five-year Strategic Plan for the 2020-2025 period.

In his opening remarks, the Head of Department Professor Mkhululi Lukhele said team Gauteng is gathered with the renewed vigour and determination to make Gauteng Health work for the people.

“Amongst others, we will be reflecting against the Strategic Plan for the previous term to gain consensus on what has worked and what has not, what needs to change in order to upscale performance moving forward.

“We also take a considerable amount of time to consider emerging environmental factors in the legislative, policy and industry environment informing planning for the next five years. We will also be shooting ourselves in the foot if we cannot talk frankly and confront some of the challenges that has been taking us aback such as the lack of team effort, cohesion and common strategic vision leading to silo mentality, a survivalist narrow focus outlook by management and thus not leveraging on the expertise and diverse skills available,” said Prof. Lukhele

In setting the tone for the gathering, MEC Dr Bandile Masuku said: “Today, the tide is turning and a new optimism is emerging and; we hope it does not flatter to deceive! This new optimism is felt inside and outside the Department. It is inspired by the cries of our people from the campaign trail for a better healthcare system in Gauteng.

“And it is up to every staff member to take advantage of this emerging optimism and build a new foundation for the future! The time we have been waiting for is now and; we are the ones we have been waiting for! As the Premier said, we will be an "activist and responsive" government,” said MEC Masuku.

“And we shall draw inspiration from both signals of hope and despair as we build a new foundation. We are not in the frontline for the cameras or to catch the bad ones among us! We are in the frontline because we care, and we want every staff member and patient to see and know that we know the conditions and we are bringing change.,” added Dr Masuku.

“We are also on the frontline to motivate our staff and give hope to our patients! The frontline leadership approach has logic and method. And today, we are here at the Strategic Planning Session to clarify that logic and method! The Session must really produce a Plan that is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound”, stressed MEC Masuku.

Furthermore, MEC Masuku reminded the delegates about his maiden Budget Vote Speech which underscored the building of a "patient-centred, clinician-led, stakeholder-driven" healthcare system with community responsibility.

“From the onset of the 6th Administration, it is important that we speak about the five strategic priorities as a starting point for our planning! But before we do so, we need to state that we will keep what works and discard what does not. 
We have already said that we will continue with the Recovery Roadmap and other key initiatives such as the Lean project. We will also continue with the decentralisation model and the legally mandated provincialisation of the EMS to mention but a few,” added the MEC.

In conclusion, MEC Masuku emphasised that priorities for the next five years were chosen by the people of Gauteng who voted with their feet on May 8. Amongst others, the priorities include improving patient experience, implementation of National Health Insurance, improving clinical services, heightening Public health education and awareness, strengthening of clinical, financial, performance and policy governance.


The Strategic Review and Planning Lekgotla will be in session until Friday and it expected to produce the Department Five-year Strategic Plan for the 2020-2025 planning period.


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