Growing Gauteng Together- the journey to 2030- 18 February 2022

Office of the Premier 2022/02/17 - 22:00

Gauteng News 

When the National Development Plan (NDP) was presented to the nation in 2011, it set out a vision for South Africa – a prosperous country with no poverty or inequality.

The NDP states that South Africa has means, the people and the resources to achieve this goal.

The Gauteng Provincial Government shares this vision.

In 2019, the provincial government in consultation with all stakeholders including the people of Gauteng developed a plan of action, namely Growing Gauteng Together 2030 (GGT2030), as a contribution to the NDP.

The journey to 2030 is set on pillars on the economy, jobs and infrastructure, education, skills revolution and health, integrated human settlements and land release.

It maps the way for safety, social cohesion, food security, building of a capable, ethical government and the province's contribution to building a better Africa and better world.

The GGT2030 plan, has made several concrete commitments to grow the economy and improve the quality of life over the next decade:

• Grow the Gauteng inflation-adjusted R2 trillion economy;
• Create 3.1 million jobs;
• Reduce unemployment from 29% to 15%;
• Reduce poverty from 25.3% to 16%;
• Reduce inequality from 0.7% to 0.62%;
• Reduce crime to be reduced by 50%.

The realisation of the GGT2030 will position Gauteng, as South Africa's powerhouse which leads the way in investments, manufacturing, technology, research, innovation and tourism.

A place for people from all walks of life can celebrate their dreams and realise their ambitions.


Tags: NDP Gauteng Provincial Government GGT2030


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