Practice proper sleeping and sitting posture to avoid back pain

Department of Health 2021/10/12 - 22:00

Rudzani Matshili

Back pain can be prevented by adopting good and proper posture when sleeping, sitting, standing, walking and even working, so said Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital Physiotherapist Boitumelo Tabane-Seemela.

Tabane-Seemela was speaking as part of Backcare Awareness Week, which is observed every year from 4 to 8 October, to educate and create awareness on how to prevent developing back ache. 

This year's Back Care Week is observed under the theme: "Back pain working from home", with a focus on people who are working from home due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Tabane-Seemela said since the start of the COVID-19 last year, the hospital has noted an increase in the number of people that complain of experiencing back pain.

"Since the onset of COVID-19, there has been an increase in people experiencing back pain.  The home environment may not have a furniture that provides comfortable seating . For example, chairs without adequate back support, tables at incorrect levels, some work while sitting on their  couches and in bed. This is worsened by incorrect sitting posture and prolonged sitting.

"Back care should be practiced by all, old and young, because prevention is better than cure. With the older population experiencing back pain, the cause and contributing factors happened earlier in their lives over a period of time. It should be practiced in all activities of daily living," she emphasised.  

"Lifting heavy objects incorrectly, weak abdominal muscles, trauma to the back from assaults, falling and car accidents. Injuries from prolonged sitting, repeated bending and prolonged standing are also common causes," added Tabane-Seemela.

The following measures can help prevent back pain:

*Sleeping with good sized pillows, that allows your neck to be straight.

 *Sitting on chairs with proper back support

 *Correct lifting techniques:

Bend knees and squat when lifting an object from the floor, pull it close to one's body and lift up.



Tags: Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital Back Care Physiotheraphy Back Awareness Week


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