Gauteng government’s Drone Programme boosts fight against corruption and waste in construction

Department of Infrastructure Development

The dramatic benefits of the Gauteng Provincial Government's drone programme were showcased at the media briefing and demonstration held in Johannesburg today. After launching the drone programme in eTwatwa in Ekurhuleni in May this year, the Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) has worked intensively with the University of Johannesburg's Centre for Applied Research and Innovation in the Built Environment (CARINBE) to enhance the capabilities of DID's five unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). Speaking at the event, MEC Jacob Mamabolo said:The work we have been doing with UJ under the leadership of Professor Tshilidzi Marwala has helped us develop our drone capability from simply taking snapshots of the project delivery site to a fully-fledged monitoring tool. The drone is embedded with artificial intelligence, that allows us to gather data on all the different elements of infrastructure delivery. This is a game changer for accountability and transparency.” The department's five drones monitor its construction projects across Gauteng City Region's five development corridors. This new technology has lessened the load that had been put on its project managers. Through the deployment of 3D technology the reports generated by the drones allow remote project management. The department's managers are able to continuously monitor project progress online. One of the most significant benefits to date has been the ability for the department to address wastage, corruption and scope creep.We are now able to compare the work that is being done with the architectural plans and this is a unique opportunity for us to identify, throughout the construction phase if a contractor is deviating from the original plans,” Mamabolo said. He said this had serious implications for the delivery process of the department's projects as it affects the quality of the project and costs involved. The precise on-the-ground monitoring that has been made possible through the drone project, has fundamentally changed the way the department delivers its social infrastructure projects. A key benefit is that assists in minimising cost overruns that often open the space for corruption and delays in the delivery of high quality projects such as schools, clinic, libraries, community centres and hospitals. What the drone programme gives us is an ability to monitor our projects, not only based on what we are told by our contractors or our project managers. Many of our sites used to be ‘sealed black boxes' where we would not be getting the full or true picture. For the first time, we have an independent system that tell what is happening on site.We are now able to validate all other source information. We are able to triangulate information on three levels – the human intelligence from our project managers, the business intelligence housed in our nerve centre, Lutsinga Infrastructure house, and now the artificial intelligence embedded in the drone programme,” Mamabolo added. Mamabolo emphasised the importance of building the capacity of the state. He said government did not always functioned in way that was consistent with the values of the constitution.We must ensure that we build our capacity to become more efficient in the way we do our work. We must build a capable developmental state, and this means taking the time to develop the nuts and bolts of government. We must leverage smart technology to bring transparency and openness to the way we work. We must fight corruption and waste with systematic determination. The drone programme allows us to do all of this, and ensures that we are able to deliver our projects within budget, to set time frames and at the right level of quality”. ENDS Issued by the Department of Infrastructure Development For more details contact Theo Nkonki (Spokesperson, Gauteng Department of Infrastructure) on 082 7196404 For media releases, speeches and news visit


Tags: drone programme infrastracture development


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