Department concludes professional training of newly appointed Social Workers

Department of Social Development 2019/11/07 - 22:00

The Gauteng Department of Social Development has conducted a four days professional training to more than three hundred newly appointed Social Workers.

The aim of the training was to educate social workers on the different generic intervention tools or control documents used when providing services to beneficiaries. The different Social Work Service participants were trained on included: Screening, Intake, Referral, Process Note, Assessment, Counselling Evaluation report, Intervention Plan, Intervention Evaluation, Programme Evaluation, Programme Evaluation and Monitoring reports as well as the Supervision Framework for Social Welfare Services (2012).

The training was conducted by the department in partnership with the SACSSP and the National Department of Social Development's Professional Compliance and Quality Assurance unit.

An emphasis was also made on the importance of utilizing supervision for individual and professional growth, professional development which enhances quality services, accountability, respect for the dignity and worth of every person and promotion and protection of the interests of beneficiaries. Supervision functions should be educational, supportive and administrative.

Different Supervision tools included: completion of Personal Development Plan, Contracting, Supervision Session report and Supervisor' note as part of Supervisee file.

The training sessions started at Itereleng Residential Care Facility in Tshwane Region in June, where one hundred and four (104) social workers attended. In August, it was Johannesburg and Sedibeng turn a further sixty (60) newly appointed social workers from both regions. The Johannesburg and Sedibeng training coincided with the West Rand region and fifty- one (51) attended.

The final induction took place last week at Igugulethu Child & Youth Care Centre Eighty-five (85) social workers in Ekurhuleni participated in this intensive four-day training session. The training co-facilitated by officials from NDSD, was underpinned by current policies and legislative frameworks such as the Framework of Social Welfare Services (2013), the Integrated Service Delivery Model (2005), the Recruitment and retention Strategy (2009), Generic Norms and Standards for Social Welfare Services (2013), Code of Ethics of the Social Work Profession (2012), the Children's Act 38/2005 and the Social Services Professions Policy (2017).

The training sessions were attended by vibrant and confident Social Workers allocated within different programmes in regions and institutions. Some of the attendees who attended were previously employed in Child and Youth Care Centres but pursued their career path in social work.

The SACSSP's Hitler Sekhitla, Professional Conduct Manager and the Registrar, Langi Malamba commended the Gauteng Department of Social Development for conducting a rigorous induction and orientation programme for its employees. Council appreciates the practitioners' level of consciousness, maturity and commitment to serve humanity and the pride of being social workers. We trust and believe that they will continue to protect the integrity and dignity of the social work profession and fight for social justice and preservation of human life.




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