Sicelo residents demand the arrest of drug suppliers

Department of Social Development 2019/07/22 - 22:00

Thousands of parents in Sedibeng are calling for immediate arrest of drug suppliers in the area. They say law enforcement is failing the community as they are involved in the supply chain of drugs.

The plea was made at Sicelo Community Hall, last Friday when Gauteng Social Development together with one of the Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) observed the annual International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Motivational speaker and former addict Bongani Mthebu (41), slammed unlicensed rehabilitation centers, as they are not assisting but a threat to users. "Drugs can ruin one's life, I spent 17 years in prison because of drugs. I have tasted all types of drugs and I know what they can do to a person," said Mthebu.

One of the residents Sphamandla Ndlovu said, "We know the people who supply these drugs. They are our tenants, they are our son-in-law's, so we must report them. Protecting them because you related to them will only exacerbate the problem".

Ndlovu added that it cannot be morally and socially acceptable that in society children as young as 10 years are involved in drugs.

"Drug and alcohol abuse continues to pose negative health and social challenges amongst the youth including students at higher education institutions" said Maria Maduze, Social Work Supervisor.

In addition, Reggie Modiba from the Department of Community Safety said, "The continued use of drugs has left many people unproductive, pushing them further into poverty, and driving them deeper into drug-related crime".

Drugs come in many forms and sizes, such as Nyaope/whoonga. Residents are urged to strengthen their Local   Drug Action Committees to assist the province in educating the community about the dangers of substance abuse.


Tags: Substance Abuse


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