Two more suspects arrested in connection with Deokaran murder case- 02 September 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/09/01 - 22:00

Rofhiwa Marubini 

Gauteng government has welcomed additional arrests of two more suspects linked to the murder case of senior health official and whistleblower, Babita Doekaran. 

The South African Police Service (SAPS) arrested the two suspects on Wednesday, bring the total number of arrests to eight.

"Whilst the arrests bring hope, it is only a successful criminal prosecution and conviction of perpetrators of this gruesome and evil deed that justice will be served.

"We are confident that our criminal justice system will ensure that there is swift justice for Babita Deokaran, our departed exemplary and outstanding public servant," Premier Makhura said.

on Thursday. 

Six suspects were arrested last Friday in a joint operation between the police and private security companies. 

They appeared in the Johnnesburg magistrate court  on Tuesday were they are facing charges of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder and possession of unlicensed firearms.

They remanded in custody and the matter has been postponed to September 13 for bail applications.

Makhura said the provincial government remains resolute in its work with the SIU and other state institutions to uncover acts of corruption to ensure that all public funds looted from the state are recovered. 

"We will not be distracted from our efforts to crackdown on corruption in the province by those who give orders to kill whistle-blowers so that they can continue to loot state resources," Premier Makhura added.

Doekaran (53), was gunned down, outside of her home on Monday, 23 August 2021. She was appointed Acting Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in August 2020. 

During her tenure as Deokaran uncovered corruption and flagged payments of irregular contracts in the department.

She was a witness in an investigation into alleged fraud relating to a R300 million tender for personal protective equipment (PPE).

President Cyril Ramaphosa has hailed her a hero and a patriot.​ 


Tags: SAPS Babita Deokaran PPE arrests


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