Gauteng administers over seven million vaccines- 03 January 2022

Office of the Premier 2022/01/02 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

Gauteng has to date, administered a total of 7 767 210 COVID-19 vaccines, the provincial Department of Health said on Tuesday.

As at 03 January 2022, the total number of individuals fully vaccinated in the province sat at 4 014 364.

South Africa has recorded 3 232 new COVID-19 cases bringing the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 3 475 512. This increase represents an 18% positivity rate countrywide

Gauteng accounted for 23 % of these new cases of COVID-19 making it the highest province with new infections in the country. 

Meanwhile, a total number of 3084 people are currently hospitalised in Gauteng.

"The Department calls on members of the public to continue adhering to non-pharmaceutical interventions by maintaining a safe physical distance, wearing a mask, washing our hands regularly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitiser and avoiding large gatherings," spokesperson Kwara Kekana said.

The department has urged all persons 12 years and older to visit their nearest vaccination site to receive the jab.

"It is thought getting 70% or more of the adult population vaccinated that we can minimise the impact of the fourth wave.

"This will also help us return to the things we love such as attending sporting, cultural, religious and entertainment events of our choice safely."

Kekana reminded those who have not completed full vaccination and are overdue to go to their nearest vaccination site to be fully protected.

Persons who are immunocompromised may receive an additional Pfizer or Johnson and Johnson vaccine dose at least 28 days after receiving their last dose upon referral by their medical practitioner.

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Tags: fourth wave Vaccination COVID - 19


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