Gauteng Social Development marks World Homeless Day by launching Homeless Shelter Forum

Department of Social Development 2022/10/21 - 22:00

​The Gauteng Department of Social Development (GDSD) launched the Gauteng Homeless Shelters Forum at Sunnyside Park Hotel in Parktown, Johannesburg on Friday last week.

The forum was announced during the commemoration of the World Homeless Day.

The growing number of street homeless people is a cause for concern for the Gauteng City Region Provincial Government, further exacerbated by COVID 19 pandemic. As a result, Gauteng Government saw the necessity to launch the forum with the purpose of improving performance at homeless shelters. It will also serve as a platform to tackle challenges at these shelters

This is also intended to promote the collaboration of different stakeholders in delivering effective and efficient services to the homeless, create awareness about the plight of the homeless and highlight the contribution members of the public can make towards addressing homelessness.

Quinton Koeberg from Quegal Restoration and Refugee Centre for Homeless for Homeless in Magaliesburg made a presentation on how their shelters make a difference. He said, “We are doing great in assisting beneficiaries to tackle challenges that led them to become homeless. We provide counselling, referral, reconciliation, reunification, and skills development. We are happy that we produced many entrepreneurs to ensure sustainability. We are grateful to the Gauteng Department of Social Development for their continuous support, and they are the reason we are restoring hope to many”, said Koeberg.

MEC for Social Development, Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Mbali Hlophe said “In 2021, the Executive Council approved the Gauteng City Region Strategy to deal with adult street homelessness for immediate implementation by Gauteng Provincial Government Departments and Municipalities. The Department of Social Development as part of its mandate to care for the vulnerable groups in society was tasked to place people who are homeless in temporary Homeless Shelters”

“Our department in collaboration with Municipalities, NPOs and churches provides various services, such as meals, treatment for substance abuse, security, medical screening, counselling, and reunification with families”, Hlophe added.


Tags: homelessness. homeless shelters Homeless Shelters Forum


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