GPG provides Social Relief to the community of Nancefield Hostel

Department of Social Development 2022/11/20 - 22:00

​On Wednesday, 16 November 2022, the Gauteng Department of Social Development and the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment alongside various stakeholders provided relief to the community of Nancefield Hostel in Klipspruit, Soweto.

The area was affected by the recent heavy rains experienced in the province leaving about 400 families homeless.

Local induna, Tisha Shange, said many families were struggling to make ends meet and that regaining some of the household items lost in the floods would be difficult, but was grateful that the departments were there to assist.

Social Development, Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, MEC Mbali Hlophe, addressed the community of Nancefield and assured them that the department was there to assist them with social relief packs which included food parcels, mattresses and blankets in alignment with the TISH program.

“We also want to encourage the community of Nancefield to not just rely on food parcels, but to learn how to plant and grow their own food so that they not only  empower  themselves,  but  to  become self-sufficient.”, Hlophe added.

Stakeholders who assisted in providing social relief amongst others were the Department of Home Affairs with the applications of IDs and Birth certificates that were damaged by the flood, Red Cross, Gift of the Givers and Easy Pay provided blankets and cooked meals; and South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) assisted with applications for the Social Relief of Distress (SRD).

City of Joburg Human Settlement identified an open space for affected families and they will be erecting temporary structures. The community hall in the hostel is currently under renovation to temporarily accommodate 66 affected families.


Tags: food relief social relief packs flooding floods


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