MEC tours Tshwane Sustainable Livelihood projects

Department of Social Development 2021/04/18 - 22:00

Gauteng MEC Social Development Morakane Mosupyoe cautioned that the department should be creative in bettering the lives of the people without breaking the law.

Mosupyoe was speaking during her visit to the Tshwane Regional Sustainable Livelihood Projects, which are aimed at improving the livelihood of the residents in that region.

This follows an expansion appeal by Aga Sechaba Community Project based in Garankuwa Extension 2, who made a request for an extension of their programs to the MEC. The community project hopes to expand its skills development program to the far East of the region which is currently without similar programs.

Project Board Member Mapule Sefifi said that, "Currently our programs only reach and benefit the youth of Garankuwa and we hope to spread our services through the region in future. We are also optimistic that we can likewise include a drop-off centre for our recovering drug addicts where they can keep safe their belongings and frequently take a bath".

Aga Sechaba Community Project trains youth on Computer Literacy, Life Skills and Security.

MEC Mosupyoe also visited the Father S'mangaliso Mkhatshwa Centre for Excellence where recovering service users are trained on artisan development programs such as plumbing, tilling and painting to mention a few. Her last stop for the day was the regional Food Bank situated in Watloo, next to Silverton.


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