Society called to band together to stop increasing teenage pregnancies

Department of Social Development 2024/03/09 - 22:00

The month of February marks teenage pregnancy awareness, a solemn reminder of the pressing issue that plagues our society. In South Africa, teenage pregnancy has become a pandemic, leaving a trail of shattered dreams and unfulfilled potentials in its wake. But, let's not engage in finger-pointing, for this is not merely a gender-specific problem; rather, it's a multifaceted issue that demands a holistic approach.

The data presents a concerning situation: as stated in a parliamentary response from June 2022 by the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, almost 90,000 pregnancies were reported among girls between the ages of 10 to 19 in South Africa between April 2021 and March 2022. Additionally, recent statistics show an even higher number, with over 150,000 young girls experiencing pregnancy during the 2022/2023 financial year. These numbers, while shocking, do not fully represent the crisis, as they don't include clandestine abortions, unregistered births, or the silent struggles of those who experience miscarriages.

Social media emerges as a significant culprit in this narrative. The allure of influencers and their seemingly glamorous lifestyles can bewitch impressionable young minds, fostering unrealistic aspirations and leading them down dangerous paths. In the pursuit of imitating their idols, some young girls find themselves entangled in relationships with older men, informally referred to as ‘sugar daddies’ or blessers. This phenomenon is but one facet of a larger issue exacerbated by societal pressures.

Moreover, factors like child marriage and substance abuse further compound the problem, casting a shadow of despair over our youth. It is evident that combating teenage pregnancy requires more than just band-aid solutions,

it necessitates a concerted effort to address the root causes and empower our young girls with the tools they need to navigate life's complexities.

The South African government has implemented deliberate measures to address teenage pregnancy by introducing initiatives like Comprehensive Sexuality Education. This program enables education to learners about their bodies, and amongst others, to break the taboo surrounding discussing sex with learners.

Dialogues have been initiated by the South African government to enable community members to openly discuss the challenges faced by young girls in our communities. Awareness campaigns have been implemented to alleviate teenage pregnancy rates, alongside the promotion of preventive measures such as contraception education, access to family planning services, and the availability of contraceptive medications. Easy and free access to healthcare services also contributes significantly to prevention by promoting empathy and understanding, and thus we can break down the barriers hindering their progress and pave the way for a brighter future.

Addressing the issue of teenage pregnancy requires both our steadfast commitment and collaborative effort. The community must join hands with the government in this endeavor. Together, let us pledge to dismantle the barriers of ignorance and stigma, and pave the way for empowerment and opportunities for our young girls. While the journey ahead may pose challenges, by working together, we can navigate towards a promising future.


Tags: teenage pregnancy awareness Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Fathers


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