Remain vigilant, COVID-19 is still in our midst - 25 January 2022

Office of the Premier 2022/01/24 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

Gauteng has seen lower rates of hospitalisation and fewer deaths among fully vaccinated persons, however, government warns that COVID-19 is still in our midst therefore we need to remain vigilant.

"The Omicron variant is still deadly, especially to the elderly, those with comorbidities and unvaccinated individuals," the provincial government said in a statement.

A total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Gauteng currently stands at 1 160 814 with 1 133 273 recoveries and 20 407 fatalities.

Government calls on members of the public to continue adhering to non-pharmaceutical interventions by maintaining a safe physical distance, wearing a mask, washing our hands regularly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitiser and avoiding large gatherings.

"The easing of restrictions means that more people are socialising and therefore the risk of transmissions remains high. It is important to remember that we all have a role to play to keep COVID-19 at bay. "

As at 24 January 2022, over 8.2 million vaccinations have been administered, with 5.1 million people receiving one dose of either J&J or Pfizer. Furthermore, 4.2 million people have been fully vaccinated in Gauteng.

Government reiterates that vaccination is by far the most important way to protect us against severe illness, hospitalisation or death in the event you contract the coronavirus.

"If you have not yet been vaccinated, now is the time to do it, especially if you are 50 years and older or have comorbidities. This cohort is the most vulnerable to severe COVID-19 illness that may lead to hospitalisation and death."

Minister of Health Joe Phaahla has warned that COVID-19 will be with us for some years. "We're expecting to see cases every year and we may need booster shots, just like we do for influenza," he said.

"Our main priority remains the full vaccination of at least 70% of the adult population. I wish to reiterate that the protection of vaccines against severe illnesses is uncontested as we can see now with the 4th wave as well as the protection of health workers and educators in the 3rd wave."


Tags: Omicron Covid COVID - 19


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